Advertizing on PFF
Why advertize on PFF? Because it's an easy way to reach thousands and thousands of Fiero owners
around the globe.
Only car-related banners are allowed on PFF. I also do not accept banners that link to other
Fiero forums.
Banners on PFF cost US$50. Your banner will be displayed for 30 days and will be rotated
with all other banners from other advertizers. Banners are visible on the sections' topic list,
and in the threads themselves.
How to advertize on PFF
To advertize on PFF, please send your banner to banners@fieroforum.com.
Your banner must be exactly 728 x 90 pixels (width x height), in either PNG, JPG or GIF format.
Animated GIFS are ok, as long as they aren't too annoying.
In the same email, please specify the URL where you want the banner to link to.
If you don't have the resources to make your own banner, email me and I will make one for you for FREE.
After you have emailed me your banner (with link), please make your payment to banners@fieroforum.com
through PayPal. As soon as your payment arrives, your banner
will be put up for 30 days.
If you still have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your support!
- Cliff Pennock -