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Current Announcements: 1
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Subject Announcement
Want to help keep PFF up and running? Buy me a beer! New Announcement! posted by Cliff Pennock     (01-01-2020 through 01-01-2030)

Ok, you're not really buying me a beer (I don't drink - much) but for the price of a single beer (or coffee, or soda) you can help me keep PFF up and running!

Keeping PFF up and running has become increasingly expensive. There are two servers dedicated to this job - one in The Netherlands and one in the States. The total traffic generated exceeds 500 Gigabytes per month and unfortunately, bandwidth isn't cheap (nor is the hardware the forum is running on).

If you would like to make a donation to help keep this forum alive, you can do so through PayPal or with Bitcoin.

To make a bitcoin donation, either scan the below QR code, or use the Bitcoin code.


To make a donation through PayPal, click on the "PayPal Donate" button below and follow the on-screen instructions. That's it!

To make a one time donation, click this button:

I've been asked by a lot of people if there was a way they could automatically donate a certain amount monthly. Well, now there is!

First choose the amount
you wish to donate monthly

Next, click this button

PS: If you make a donation, please specify your PFF username if you want your username instead of your real name to appear in the donators-list below.

One thing though... Even though I will be ever so grateful when you make a donation, the same rules apply to you as any other member. No special rights can be derived from the fact you made a donation. There. I got my little disclaimer in. :D
Donations received in December 2015: $190.00
Donators: Jason Crego, Michael Obregon, Cletus Archambault, Douglas Low, Robert Rabine, Michael Parker, Chance Wilson, Stan Park, Dennis Lagrua, Richard Skermer, Rob Carver, Lucas Rosario, Roy Kirkpatrick, "blakeinspace", Michael Guittar, Garry Flynt, Ann Gallmeyer, Rick Newhouse, Robert Feurer, Robert Traylor, Mel Johnson
Donations received in November 2015: $93.00
Donators: Jason Crego, Gene Medley, Michael Obregon, Marcie Hansen, Douglas Low, Michael Parker, Robert Rabine, Chance Wilson, Stan Park, Richard Skermer, Tony Boltik, Lucas Rosario, "blakeinspace", Garry Flynt, Rick Newhouse, Robert Traylor
Donations received in October 2015: $68.00
Donators: Jason Crego, Michael Obregon, Douglas Low, John Bettencourt, Robert Rabine, Michael Parker, Chance Wilson, Stan Park, Richard Skermer, Lucas Rosario, "blakeinspace", Garry Flynt, Rick Newhouse, Robert Traylor
Donations received in September 2015: $253.00
Donators: Jason Crego, Michael Obregon, Douglas Low, Robert Rabine, Michael Parker, Chance Wilson, Stan Park, Richard Skermer, James Bradley, Lucas Rosario, George Wood, "blakeinspace", Timm Bacher, Garry Flynt, Robert Loer, Rick Newhouse, Avalon Forge, Robert Traylor
Donations received in Augustus 2015: $78.00
Donators: Jason Crego, Michael Obregon, Douglas Low, Michael Parker, Robert Rabine, Chance Wilson, Stan Park, Richard Skermer, John Berthiaume, "blakeinspace", Garry Flynt, Rick Newhouse, Tony Boltik, Jan Zubeck, Robert Traylor
Donations received in July 2015: $111.00
Donators: Jason Crego, Michael Obregon, Douglas Low, Robert Rabine, Michael Parker, Chance Wilson, Stan Park, Richard Skermer, Roy Kirkpatrick, Ronald Inselberg, Edward Woertz, Richard Bird, "blakeinspace", Garry Flynt, Joshua Rimmer, Rick Newhouse, Robert Traylor
Donations received in June 2015: $83.00
Donators: Jason Crego, Michael Obregon, Douglas Low, Robert Rabine, Michael Parker, Chance Wilson, Stan Park, Richard Skermer, "blakeinspace", Garry Flynt, Rick Newhouse, Granja La Diferencia, Robert Traylor, Peter Eigler
Donations received in May 2015: $153.00
Donators: Jason Crego, Michael Obregon, Carl S Richardson, Douglas Low, Robert Rabine, Michael Parker, Chance Wilson, Stan Park, Mr James Nicholas Horley, Richard Skermer, Nelson Thompson, Anthony Griffin, "blakeinspace", Jan Vogt, Garry Flynt, Rick Newhouse
Donations received in April 2015: $168.00
Donators: Dennis Lagrua, Jason Crego, David Ellis, Michael Obregon, Douglas Low, Michael Parker, Robert Rabine, Chance Wilson, Stan Park, Richard Skermer, Jeffrey Brown, Kris Sunderland, "blakeinspace", Garry Flynt, Rick Newhouse, Mr Big's Auto Repair
Donations received in March 2015: $93.00
Donators: Lewis Mohr, Jason Crego, Michael Obregon, Craig Varney, Douglas Low, Michael Parker, Robert Rabine, Chance Wilson, Stan Park, Roger Newton, Kimba Conner, Richard Skermer, Will Hammond, "blakeinspace", Tony Boltik, Garry Flynt, Rick Newhouse
Donations received in February 2015: $83.00
Donators: Jason Crego, Michael Obregon, Douglas Low, Craig Varney, Michael Parker, Robert Rabine, Chance Wilson, Stan Park, Richard Skermer, James Cole, Will Hammond, "blakeinspace", Garry Flynt, Rick Newhouse
Donations received in January 2015: $168.00
Donators: Jason Crego, Michael Obregon, Craig Varney, Douglas Low, Robert Rabine, Michael Parker, David Marvosh, Chance Wilson, Stan Park, Richard Skermer, Will Hammond, Tony Boltik, Stephen J Hamilton, "blakeinspace", Garry Flynt, Rick Newhouse, Sean Gwynn, Robert Probst

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