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From: Cliff Pennock
Nov 16 2004, 8:29pm (EST)

Hang in there! You will be posting messages on the forum again in no time!

Nov 16 2004, 8:37pm (EST)

Get better soon, we'll be waiting for ya in the chat room! :)

From: 1MohrFiero
Nov 16 2004, 8:40pm (EST)

Get well soon, guy. We are all pulling for you.
My thoughts are with you.

From: Jersey
Nov 16 2004, 8:42pm (EST)

Get well soon :)

From: Pokeyfiero
Nov 16 2004, 8:50pm (EST)

We are already missing you in chat.
Get yourself together fast.
Hope you got some pretty nurses to harass.

From: riverrat
Nov 16 2004, 8:52pm (EST)

hey man got to talk to you once in chat hope you and everyone else involed pull through

From: mattm
Nov 16 2004, 8:55pm (EST)

Hang in there buddy. Before you know it, you'll be back in the Fiero again.

From: RACE
Nov 16 2004, 8:58pm (EST)

We are pulling for you. Get up and outside as soon as you can. Our prayers are with you.


From: Oreif
Nov 16 2004, 9:01pm (EST)

Get well soon.
Our thoughts are with you.

From: Line Noise
Nov 16 2004, 9:01pm (EST)

-=Get well soon=-

From: California Kid
Nov 16 2004, 9:01pm (EST)

Wishing you a speedy recover, in the best sense of course !!! Have fun with the nurses while you're there in the Hospital !

From: Hank is Here
Nov 16 2004, 9:13pm (EST)

Get well soon. Don't enjoy the time away from school too much


From: Jake_Dragon
Nov 16 2004, 9:17pm (EST)

Get well soon!

From: Jaygee79
Nov 16 2004, 9:18pm (EST)

Steve....Hang in there, man! Get yourself recovered quick so we can start harassing you in the chat again!

Nov 16 2004, 9:19pm (EST)

The whole PFF community is pulling for you.
Hope all goes well for you.
Get better real soon.


From: stimpy
Nov 16 2004, 9:19pm (EST)

Get better soon. Someone obviously wants you around for a purpose.

From: ohioindy
Nov 16 2004, 9:22pm (EST)

Get well soon, we are friends here…and we are all like family.
When one of us is hurting we all hurt…what ever you nee let us know.
Get well

From: WingNut - MD
Nov 16 2004, 9:32pm (EST)


Get well soon. Here is hoping for a speedy recovery.

Mark (WingNut - MD)

From: shop_rat45
Nov 16 2004, 9:34pm (EST)

Get well soon!! Save the titanium rod in your leg. You can use it for a shifter or something. ;) Glad to hear you are doing OK. You had us scared. I look forward to talking to you in chat soon.


From: atleastitruns
Nov 16 2004, 9:38pm (EST)

Hey man, hope you get better quick. the forum isn't really normal without ya! I'll be keeping you in mind.

Get well soon!

From: Jason Crego /Fierofreak00
Nov 16 2004, 9:40pm (EST)

Get well and hurry back.

From: Turbotoad
Nov 16 2004, 9:44pm (EST)

Steve, get well and hope to see back here on PFF soon!

From: blackie2m6/jelly2m8
Nov 16 2004, 9:55pm (EST)

Hey Steve,
A get well wish from Nova Scotia. Take care and rest up, we'll see you in May 2005 for the Fiero's at Carlisle. It's good to hear that you're coming around.
Lori and Anthony-

From: Phil
Nov 16 2004, 9:55pm (EST)

The chat room awaits (Phil*)

From: 88GTFormula
Nov 16 2004, 9:59pm (EST)

Hang in there sheepy... You and your family's in my prayers for what its worth... ;)

From: JazzMan
Nov 16 2004, 9:59pm (EST)

You've got a long road ahead of you in recovery, then rehab. This will be a turning point in your life, you've lost a friend and will have the scars for the rest of your life, both physical and mental. Think about these things to help you through the upcoming months: That you got another chance to see your parents and family, friends, buddies, pets. Hold on to that, and you'll be alright. This is your second chance, enjoy it one day at a time, take it at its fullest.


From: Tom aka jetman
Nov 16 2004, 10:02pm (EST)

Steve, we miss you already, hope that you get better soon. Remember, if you have to cover one eye to read this message, they're giving you too much medication!!!! Hahahaha Best wishes for a speedy recovery,,Tom

From: naskie18
Nov 16 2004, 10:02pm (EST)

Get well soon Steve!!! We'll be waiting for you to get back :)


From: Mike: Kekipi
Nov 16 2004, 10:07pm (EST)

Hey Steve, Sorry to hear your all bus-up. get better soon.

From: Songman & Rie
Nov 16 2004, 10:11pm (EST)

Steve, Glad to hear that you are doing better. Don't scare us like that anymore! You are in our thoughts and prayers for a continued speedy recovery.

From: Fierochic88 & Matt
Nov 16 2004, 10:12pm (EST)

Hey Bud! You better hurry up and recover because we have lots of MAFOA work for you! Plus I'm sure your Fiero wants you to drive it! Matt and I are thinking of you and your friends! Love ~ Matt & Jen

From: KissMySSFiero
Nov 16 2004, 10:18pm (EST)

Get well soon. I hope you get a cute nurse for the sponge baths.

From: FieroMaster88
Nov 16 2004, 10:20pm (EST)

Get better soon! :)

From: Cheever3000
Nov 16 2004, 10:20pm (EST)

Some people will do anything to get people on the Fiero Forum talking about them! ;) At least you didn't harm a Fiero to do it. Well, we're glad you made it through this, although banged up. Get strong, keep your chin up, and do everything the physical therapist tells you. Looking forward to seeing you post again.

From: dotTC
Nov 16 2004, 10:25pm (EST)

Good luck on the recovery. Best wishes.

From: JScott1
Nov 16 2004, 10:35pm (EST)

Get well soon...we need you back on the forum :)

From: PaulCal
Nov 16 2004, 10:35pm (EST)

Hey Steve, Best wishes on a speedy recovery.
God Bless and get well soon

From: Sage
Nov 16 2004, 10:41pm (EST)

Broken bones heal in time. I've had a few and know it's true!
Thank your lucky stars everyday, that you will be around TO heal!

Hoping for speedy full recovery for you.

From: Ryan Hess
Nov 16 2004, 10:43pm (EST)

You're one lucky dude to have survived that insane crash! Hurry back now, it's getting boring on PFF :p

From: 88red4cyl
Nov 16 2004, 10:45pm (EST)

Steve, I hope you make a quick and speedy recovery. I can't wait to see you back on the forum again. You are in my thoughts.

From: Scott-WA
Nov 16 2004, 10:45pm (EST)

Best wishes on a speedy recovery, glad to hear that your well enough to complain about your toe.

From: Sarabear
Nov 16 2004, 10:50pm (EST)

Get well soon! We all miss you already! Take care and you'll definetly be in my prayers!!

From: FrugalFiero
Nov 16 2004, 11:04pm (EST)

We have two lives - the one we learn with and the life we live after that. ~Bernard Malamud, The Natural

Get well soon - there is MUCH more life for you to live! - Tim

From: rynelson85
Nov 16 2004, 11:05pm (EST)

Hey man get better soon, less time in the hospital and more with us fiero folk

From: Jefrysuko
Nov 16 2004, 11:16pm (EST)

Physical Therapy = Driving Fiero

Hope that comes sooner than later!

From: Fieros_Forever
Nov 16 2004, 11:24pm (EST)

Hang in there, Steve! PFF is praying for your recovery!

-Bobby Jenkins

From: APShaughnessy
Nov 16 2004, 11:30pm (EST)

I've never met you but from what people say your a great guy, and I hope that when you get better I can get to know you. Get well soon dude!

Last Post.

From: fogglethorpe
Nov 16 2004, 11:31pm (EST)

I'm praying and hoping for the best, Steve. Hang in there.

From: APShaughnessy
Nov 16 2004, 11:32pm (EST)

Please direguard that "Last Post" thing, it has become so natural that I don't even notice when I type it anymore.

Anyways, Get well the forum can't lose any good members.

From: USFiero
Nov 16 2004, 11:42pm (EST)

Glad to hear you're pulling through. Be strong for your friends, I know this is a life changing event. From all of us on Pennocks get well soon!

From: DRH
Nov 16 2004, 11:44pm (EST)

Get well soon!

From: FieroRumor
Nov 17 2004, 00:13am (EST)

Hey man, Get well soon!!!!!!

Hope you have a swift recovery!

From: Electrathon
Nov 17 2004, 00:25am (EST)

I'll be praying for your continued recovery. I have been in a similar place to where you are at, emotional strength and family support are a big step to recovery.


From: Sourmug
Nov 17 2004, 00:57am (EST)

Hope you are doing better soon. My prayers for you and your family.

From: AnimalGT
Nov 17 2004, 01:08am (EST)

Hoping you have a speedy recovery.

From: litespd
Nov 17 2004, 01:23am (EST)

Steve, you have my wishes for a speedy, and complete recovery. Take care of are in many of the PFF member's thoughts and prayers..

From: justa6
Nov 17 2004, 01:28am (EST)

I hope you get better soon! I'll keep you in my prayers

From: fierobear
Nov 17 2004, 01:49am (EST)

Hey, derangedsheep, don't be a sacrificial lamb! Get better and be safe!

From: Matt/ Fiero go fast
Nov 17 2004, 03:31am (EST)

Hope you get better soon man. Well you better get better soon.... I'll get all lonely here without you iming me your future plans or questions you may have.


From: AusFiero
Nov 17 2004, 04:19am (EST)

Heal fast Sheep and all the best to you. I was shocked to hear about this. Be strong as you can for your mum, dad and family and they in turn will be strong for you.

From: Topcat
Nov 17 2004, 04:50am (EST)

Wishing you a speedy recovery... Your Fiero awaits you :)

From: fierogirls-mom
Nov 17 2004, 05:04am (EST)


My best wishes on a speedy recovery. There are lots of people pulling for you! I'm sure you will be up and about soon!


From: Wolfhound
Nov 17 2004, 05:54am (EST)

Heres hoping for a speedy recovery.

From: Raydar
Nov 17 2004, 06:27am (EST)

Take care, man! Get better soon. We're all here for you.

From: Tim (tesmith66)
Nov 17 2004, 06:43am (EST)

Get well soon!

From: Panama Jack
Nov 17 2004, 06:51am (EST)

-= Get Well =-

From: 84Bill
Nov 17 2004, 06:54am (EST)

Geez!! what's with you sheeps going astray? ;)

Get well soon brother.


From: maryjane
Nov 17 2004, 07:35am (EST)

Get well soon derangedsheep! We'll keep you and your's in our prayers.

From: JetroGT/Jacob
Nov 17 2004, 07:47am (EST)

Get well soon! You have car shows to get ready for next year.

From: Deabionni
Nov 17 2004, 08:06am (EST)

We're all pulling for you. Get well soon.


From: Synthesis
Nov 17 2004, 08:11am (EST)

Hey man, you better pull through, cause I have yet to meet you at the Dells. Be there, or I'll kill you :P.

Get well soon man. I can't begin to imagine what you went through in that one, but I have been there myself in different circumstances.

Your friend. Chris Kliewer. Minnesota.

From: YellowRooster
Nov 17 2004, 08:19am (EST)

Get well soon Man!

From: deranged sheep
Nov 17 2004, 08:28am (EST)

I have printed your messages and will take them to Steve today.
Thanks everyone he will love them.

Cliff thanks for creating this page.

deranged dad

From: Toddster
Nov 17 2004, 08:54am (EST)

Take two aspirin and call me in the morning. :D

Get well.

From: Fiero5
Nov 17 2004, 09:30am (EST)

We sincerely hope that you will be feeling much better soon and that you wil be back to fully enjoying your life again..and Fieros of course.

Steve & Family

From: Formula88
Nov 17 2004, 11:33am (EST)

Adding my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

From: Formula
Nov 17 2004, 11:56am (EST)

Get better soon!!

From: Spring/Marrilow
Nov 17 2004, 12:01pm (EST)

Steve, hang in there man, we're all pullin' for ya! You're not that far away from me, if ya need something let me know!

From: 84Fiero2M4
Nov 17 2004, 12:57pm (EST)

Hang in there man, We're all pulling for you and hope for a fast and healthy recovery.

Nov 17 2004, 2:23pm (EST)

All the best wishes for a speedy recovery without interference from anymore utility poles.

Anthony and the rest of the guys of WCF

From: Avengador1
Nov 17 2004, 2:26pm (EST)

I wish you a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself on the road to recovery. Good luck and good health, may God continue to look over you.

From: Old Lar
Nov 17 2004, 2:53pm (EST)

Get well quickly so that you can get back into the Fiero.

PS: If they leave the screws, rods etc in your leg, you'll be setting off all the metal detector alarms as you try to enter the airports.

From: DanFiero
Nov 17 2004, 3:34pm (EST)

Best of luck to you, and a hope for a speedy recovery!!!

Take it easy and hope to see you up and around soon!!


From: iced_theater
Nov 17 2004, 3:55pm (EST)

Hope you start feeling better soon there.

From: skitime
Nov 17 2004, 5:47pm (EST)

Steve, Vonnie and I hope you have a speedy recovery. Sorry you had to experience such an event. If there is anything we can do please let up know.

Dave & Vonnie

From: JohnnyK
Nov 17 2004, 5:49pm (EST)

Good luck dude. I'll take a punch in the head for ya..

From: fierofetish
Nov 17 2004, 5:55pm (EST)

I don´t know you, except from PFF..but that is good enough for me!!!Ellie and I wish you a speedy return to good health, and stop "ramming "the nurses!!! Good luck young man, and keep pulling through
fierofetish and Ellie

From: Synthesis
Nov 17 2004, 6:04pm (EST)

Hey man, you better pull through, cause I have yet to meet you at the Dells. Be there, or I'll kill you :P.

Get well soon man. I can't begin to imagine what you went through in that one, but I have been there myself in different circumstances.

Your friend. Chris Kliewer. Minnesota.

From: Chris / FIEROPHREK
Nov 17 2004, 6:26pm (EST)

Hey sheepy get well soon brother . PFF'ers are pullin for ya.

From: John a.k.a Fiero67
Nov 17 2004, 6:35pm (EST)

Steve, you and your family are in our prayers, and our thoughts for a speedy recovery. Hurry up and get better, before we start parting your Fiero in the mall. John

From: wingman
Nov 17 2004, 7:15pm (EST)

hope you get better quick man!

From: 2farnorth
Nov 17 2004, 8:01pm (EST)

Get well soon. Keep the nurses smiling

From: grgoyl86
Nov 17 2004, 8:31pm (EST)

It's great to hear you're doing better. Hurry out of that place, and get back to a "normal" life (whatever that is!).

From: Silentassassin185
Nov 17 2004, 10:30pm (EST)

Here's to hoping your back soon.

From: Karen/ MamaPenguin
Nov 18 2004, 00:23am (EST)

Hurry back Steve... We are praying for you.
We need you back before Carlisle this year. Who else is gonna give DeFiero and WildOne directions that they don't follow? :) LOL
Seriously though,.....good luck with it all.. Keep your head up and you'll be back in no time! Take care!

From: Xantavar
Nov 18 2004, 05:09am (EST)

I'm praying for you, Steve.

From: ChaoticMav
Nov 18 2004, 06:05am (EST)

I hope you get well ASAP, we miss you on the forums! :D

From: Jeremiah
Nov 18 2004, 08:43am (EST)

PFF just wouldn't be the same without you, dude.

From: PontiacFiero
Nov 18 2004, 10:30am (EST)

Get well soon. I look forward to having you back on the forum.


From: FieroAngel
Nov 18 2004, 10:55am (EST)

I'll be praying for you. Get better soon


From: t-bird1963
Nov 18 2004, 2:27pm (EST)

Get well shipmate

From: Sheep's Brother
Nov 18 2004, 5:18pm (EST)

Hey everyone. My mom and I just got home. He's doing great! The neck brace is off and he was in a wheel-chair earlier and eating chicken tenders. He didn't eat to much, he got tired pretty quickly. Thank you all so much for your support it really means a lot to all of us . . . especially Steve.

Dan (Sheep's Brother)

From: cliffw
Nov 18 2004, 6:22pm (EST)

Steve, I am glad to hear you are healing. Man, I am glad you are alive.
I can not rant as I have done the telephone pole thing to with about the exact same results. I say that as I hope you can see that sometimes life gives us tough lessons.
Recovery will take some time but things can be better than they were.
Stay tough and take care of those who care about you.
Sorry about the incident man. If you need something, let us know !

From: 88Ironduke
Nov 18 2004, 7:46pm (EST)

Get well soon sheep. We're pulling for ya!

From: Fastback 86
Nov 19 2004, 02:37am (EST)

Opening the thread on the accident and seeing new updates on how well you're doing really brings a smile to my face! Keep on truckin' buddy, you'll be back in the Fiero in no time!
I was worried you might not ever get to use that stereo stuff I got for you, glad thats not the case!

From: Roys88fiero
Nov 19 2004, 11:37am (EST)

Sounds like you went on a nasty ride, just want to say get well soon, and hope to see you post again soon! take care man, and watch yourself..

From: MtVilla
Nov 20 2004, 3:28pm (EST)

Hope you are feeling better soon! I am wishing you a speedy and full recovery. MtVilla

From: DR650SE
Nov 22 2004, 03:30am (EST)

Get well man, Keep a positive mental attitude man, it'll help out with everything.

From: AuroraFiero
Nov 22 2004, 08:53am (EST)

Steve, godspeed buddy. Keep your chin up and you're gonna be fine!

From: Shananigans
Nov 22 2004, 10:17am (EST)

Was very sorry to hear about the tragic accident. Glad your still alive. I wish you a speedy recovery.