ignition lock cylinders (Page 3/4)
ericjon262 JUN 23, 11:52 PM
now I remember why I don't post over here often...

Me: posts technical information and pictures that could be helpful to someone


I won't be reposting the information, it's not worth my time, and I'll go ahead and turn notifications off for this thread, since it's been trashed to hell and back anyways. y'all have fun arguing about picture sizes.

"I am not what you so glibly call to be a civilized man. I have broken with society for reasons which I alone am able to appreciate. I am therefore not subject to it's stupid laws, and I ask you to never allude to them in my presence again."

I invited Lou Dias to trash me in my own thread, he refused. sorry. if he trashes your thread going after me. I tried.

Patrick JUN 24, 12:09 AM

Originally posted by Patrick Here:

When faced with a barrage of image icons (instead of actual images) which all need to be clicked on to see, a lot of people will simply move on to a thread where the images are in plain view.

I only wished for more people to be able to see your images and to read your interesting post.

Cliff Pennock JUN 24, 04:54 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:

It was not a criticism of how the forum software handles extra large image file sizes, in case that's what you might've thought I meant.

Nope. It wasn't taken as criticism at all. 😄

Just wanted to clarify it isn't there because of storage space on my end, but because of data restrictions for (mostly) mobile users.
Cliff Pennock JUN 24, 04:55 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:

Cliff, the only other suggestion I might make... is that the forum software not automatically enlarge small lo-res images. Often they're meant to be viewed as small images, and they look awful (very pixelated) when enlarged.

It doesn't. Does it?
Cliff Pennock JUN 24, 05:00 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:

Anyway, it's all become a moot point as Cliff's addition of Power Toys appears to have now eliminated the problem of huge file size images being uploaded.

Wait, Power Toys is a utility you can install on your Windows PC. It allows you to resize an image on your end. It's not something I installed on the server. What you are seeing is re-compression by the server. Images uploaded to the server (through the "Upload Media" button) are recompressed. But it has always done that. That's not new. What I've changed is the way the browser displays images. It now has a maximum width of 1800 pixels, or the entire width of your browser window - whichever is smallest.
Cliff Pennock JUN 24, 05:10 AM

Originally posted by ericjon262:

now I remember why I don't post over here often...

"Here" as in "in TD&Q" or here as in PFF?

Also, you are the one who caused the whole picture size discussion. Someone just mentions your images are too big which resulted in your images being replaced by placeholders by the forum software and made suggestions how to make them smaller, and you react by removing your entire post and replace it with "nevermind, big pictures scary". Even though people gave you actual answers to your question. You left nothing to discuss except picture size. So not sure what/who it is you are complaining about.

You could have responded with "thank you for your suggestions" (on both the image size thing and the actual responses to your questions), yet you chose to delete your entire post and even add your "why am I even posting here" remark.
Patrick JUN 24, 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:

Nope. It wasn't taken as criticism at all. 😄


Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:

It doesn't. Does it?

Unless something has been changed within the last day... yes, embedded small images have been enlarged somewhat when viewed in a PFF post. I'll see if I can find and/or re-create this issue. (Of course, if something has been altered recently with the forum software, I won't be able to demonstrate this.)
[EDIT] I haven't been able to re-create it. Either I was wrong (possible!), or something has changed with the forum. Anyway, it's certainly nothing critical.

Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:

What I've changed is the way the browser displays images. It now has a maximum width of 1800 pixels, or the entire width of your browser window - whichever is smallest.

And that's fine, but...

Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:

What you are seeing is re-compression by the server. Images uploaded to the server (through the "Upload Media" button) are recompressed. But it has always done that.

Wait wait wait... something isn't making sense here. If that was indeed the case, why were the huge images originally uploaded to the opening post replaced by icons... and when they were clicked on and opened, and then downloaded, they were still the original huge size. (It's unfortunate they're not still available to demonstrate that.) That's the way it's been here for quite awhile. Yet, when you mentioned Power Toys, and did whatever you did... I tested it out Here, and a 5200 KB 3000x1509 image was automatically converted to a 314 KB 1920x966 image. The forum software is definitely doing something it wasn't doing prior to your mention of Power Toys (whether or not Power Toys has anything to do with it).

Okay, let's try something. I've looked through my image folders to try and find an image size similar to what had been uploaded to the opening post. It's a 6843 KB (6.8 MB) 3088x4128 image. After it's been uploaded, I'll return to this post to see what the forum software has done with it.

[EDIT] Okay, as I suspected... no icon, and the image has automatically been re-sized and re-compressed by something new in the forum software. When this image is now downloaded from PFF, it's only 447 KB with a size of 1920x2567. It appears the forum software is now reducing image width to a maximum of 1920, whereas the height can still be quite a bit larger than 1080. There's also a much greater degree of compression taking place. This is something that wasn't being done previously. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, not at all... but it's certainly different forum behavior.

Now Cliff, if you could somehow prevent the forum from corrupting the image URL when people upload multiple images without hitting the Enter key between uploads, that would just be peachy. Basically, if more than two or three images are uploaded consecutively in this manner, one of the image URLs will eventually have a gap inserted into it, thus corrupting it. It happens on a very regular basis here. I've tried over and over to explain this to people when I see it happen, but rarely does anyone bother to go back and fix it. A recent example is mentioned Here. Not only did the person not bother fixing his opening post, but he went on to post again in the same thread in the same manner. And yes, another corrupted image URL.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 06-24-2024).]

Vintage-Nut JUN 24, 11:03 PM

It happens on a very regular basis here. I've tried over and over to explain this to people when I see it happen, but rarely does anyone bother to go back and fix it.

Ron White:
You Can’t Fix Stupid

Patrick JUN 24, 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Vintage-Nut:

Ron White: You Can’t Fix Stupid

I can understand why someone new here might initially have a problem with missing images/corrupted URLs in their posts, but when the problem and easy solution is carefully explained to them, and they keep doing it... well yeah, you've got to wonder.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 06-24-2024).]

Cliff Pennock JUN 25, 02:22 AM

Nothing has changed on my end in the forum software. The only thing that has changed is the maximum display width. But that's a browser instruction. It leaves the original image alone, it doesn't physically resize it. And in fact I only changed a value because there has always been a max display width.

Also, small images were never enlarged so I'm not sure where or why you have seen that. If you have seen it, it was a setting on your end in your browser perhaps.

When uploading an image through the "Media Upload" button, images are always recompressed but not reformatted (so its height and width remains the same). This has always been the case, even with PIP. If an image is still 6MB after recompression, it means the original was even bigger still. And yes, some images will recompress to maybe 1/20th their original size, while others will recompress to close their original size. That's just how JPG works.

So in short, nothing has changed in the way the forum handles images except that it tells your browser to never show the image wider than 1800px - but again, that doesn't make any changes to the original image (you can test that by right clicking on the image, and choose "display image in new tab/window").