Races from 08-17-2024 (Page 3/3)
lou_dias SEP 04, 09:19 AM
They would re-run them in case the race was close and the losing driver complained. Many times if you jump, you lose lane-advantage on the re-run.
I'll have to look around the track next time to see if those lights are at each turn...
Patrick SEP 04, 03:08 PM

Originally posted by lou_dias:T

I'll have to look around the track next time to see if those lights are at each turn...

It would be convenient if there was a starting light near/on the starters platform. Then it would be quite easy for videographers to include the starting light in their shot at the start of each race. That would then allow viewers to see the reaction time of the participants, and/or whether they had jumped the gun.