Just in…,Fiero bling bling (Page 1/1)
Kitskaboodle JAN 14, 05:32 PM
Just got my Fiero “bling bling” seat belt pads.
Take a lookie. Ain’t she purty? 😀
What I like about this vendor is that you can pick and choose the thread colors that you want.
This will go nicely in my silver 85 GT.
Raydar JAN 14, 07:26 PM
Very cool! Some of the nicer ones I've ever seen.
Kitskaboodle JAN 14, 08:07 PM
Thanks Raydar.
Just a few comments:
The reason I got these is my old ones, despite being in good shape, we’re starting to fade. It’s not the threading that fades, it’s the actual tube color.
My wife bought these from Etsy.com and I think they were around $21.50.