ignition lock cylinders (Page 1/4)
ericjon262 JUN 22, 06:35 AM
nevermind, big pictures scary.

[This message has been edited by ericjon262 (edited 06-23-2024).]

Vintage-Nut JUN 22, 09:51 AM
Your images are TOO BIG to show in the thread......

RESIZE THE IMAGES: Your images are 300K
Reduce the size (640X480 is a great size for posting here) and then edit the thread by replacing the 'big files' with the smaller images..........

Original Owner of a Silver '88 GT
Under 'Production Refurbishment' @ 136k Miles

[This message has been edited by Vintage-Nut (edited 06-22-2024).]

Patrick JUN 23, 04:07 AM

Originally posted by Vintage-Nut:

Reduce the size (640X480 is a great size for posting here)

I agree that the image icons are a nuisance and unnecessary, but I'll disagree with resizing the images to 640x480. It's no longer 1999.

An image icon appears here (instead of the actual image) when the the image file size is greater than 2 MB. The image dimensions are relatively immaterial here. The forum software automatically shrinks the image dimensions to fit the format of the page.

Having said that, a resolution of 1920x1080 is plenty large for display online. The images posted above are 4032x3024, which of course also contributes to their large file size.

The image file sizes in the opening post are each about 3.7 MB. That's almost twice what is permitted here (hence the icons). If a higher compression was used and/or their dimensions were resized downwards, they could easily be reduced to under 2 MB apiece with no perceptible image degradation.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 06-23-2024).]

theogre JUN 23, 09:46 AM
Nice idea but have problems even on GM cars using same blanks. 1 key "lost" now have to rekey several vehicles or sell/wreck 1 vehicle have problems too.

Just nice to see the lock apart if trying to repair the lock.

As to pic size...
Both of you are "wrong."

Big size is not the only problem...
Was likely "Batch editing" making all same screen & file size... 3024x4032 3.63 MB size is only part of it.
Or Pic's was "raw" right from whatever device then @ lest seems lost EXIF/IPTC Data often carries location, phone # & more info. (Hidden Data in JPG/JPEG & some other formats. Some to all fields Does show as Details in Windows File Properties & other unities.)

640X480 won't help a lot or not @ all depending in the pic. 1920x1080 is still to big even on "wide screen" displays because many don't have the browser running full screen. PFF auto zoom may help but you don't need a big pic here. Auto zoom also have issues w/ pic w/ text zooming big pictures a lot.

Example of what I often do... & before other editing as needed.
First "EM5hbYF.jpg" reduce to 20% is 605x806 78.8 KB. (Most batch editors can to this.)

Then Can crop many pic's to lower the vertical so don't have scroll down even when pic file size is reduced. (most times I crop V & H to focus on detail(s) only.)

Crop same to ~ 50% vertical... 605x400 42.1 KB. (Batch editors may not handle this because crop section isn't same area for all affected.)

Still give you plenty to see but less to scroll thru many pic.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
(Jurassic Park)

The Ogre's Fiero Cave

Jason88Notchie JUN 23, 11:49 AM
This was an interesting thread showing internals of lock cylinder. And funny too. Good read....or was.

I thought about doing the same thing. My key is so worn out that a copied key will not work for my ignition. I only called one locksmith which was a local well known place and they will only go back to like the mid 90s. But I have to have more than just one working key. Not sure why the copied key won't work even though it looks like it would work on a side by side comparison.

Any suggestions?
Vintage-Nut JUN 23, 01:45 PM

My key is so worn out that a copied key will not work for my ignition. I only called one locksmith which was a local well known place and they will only go back to like the mid 90s. Any suggestions?

As a first owner, I have the Fiero key codes so getting 'brand-new' keys is easier and better than coping a used key.

Perhaps Some PFF Threads on the Subject Will Help:

key codes for ignition/door keys by sledcaddie (05-20-2019)

Fiero Key Codes by sniper168 (05-17-2010)

Key Codes? by RWDPLZ (11-26-2009)
theogre JUN 23, 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Jason88Notchie:
I thought about doing the same thing. My key is so worn out that a copied key will not work for my ignition. I only called one locksmith which was a local well known place and they will only go back to like the mid 90s. But I have to have more than just one working key. Not sure why the copied key won't work even though it looks like it would work on a side by side comparison.

Any suggestions?

With key copies or new keys made to fit key codes may not help as the Lock is "worn out" too.

I mean everything in there wears out & doesn't work right if your lucky.
Example: The Warding that fits the sides of key is often badly worn so way easier to near anything inside to "pick" it.
Tumblers & core wears too.

I've seen keys that fall out while driving & more problems even when find good spare or copies or new keys because lock is so worn out. Think bad for old personal cars but Commercial vehicles can wear out the locks in just 5-10 years. Now "everyone" wants "smart keys" means major cost to replace a lock & keys.

For many is "best" just to replace the lock w/ new keys that came with. Can DIY this but need some special tools to pull S-wheel & locking plate that prevents turn S-wheel w/ I-key off/out.

Note: Ignore the key warning chime often fails to work as "sign" of a "bad lock" etc... Often they fail even w/ new lock & contact put in the column w/o carefully messing w/ the contact.
Cliff Pennock JUN 23, 04:04 PM
Power Toys to the rescue.

I've made a small change to the forum style sheet so that it automatically sizes the image down a bit when it gets too large.
Cliff Pennock JUN 23, 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:

I agree that the image icons are a nuisance and unnecessary,

It's there mainly for mobile users. It doesn't block you from uploading huge images, but when the image gets over a certain size, it offers mobile users a choice if they want to load the pictures or not. Not everybody has unlimited data on their mobile phone.

I could probably change it so only mobile users get to see that placeholder.
Vintage-Nut JUN 23, 04:12 PM

With key copies or new keys made to fit key codes may not help as the Lock is "worn out" too.

In my experience, often the key can be "worn out" more than the lock...

As An Example:
On a different vehicle, the door key didn't open the lock.
Using the door lock code, a locksmith cut keys that match the lock’s specifications which worked perfectly.

SO, to me (my opinion) start by getting a "good" key first to see if the lock really needed be replaced............