Pickardt Performance (Page 1/1)
hunter29 OCT 20, 07:02 PM
Do they have a website? I thought they said they did but I can't find it..
R Runner OCT 20, 08:10 PM
I know they are on Facebook.

82-T/A [At Work] OCT 21, 06:33 AM
It's a shame that they make the posts private. I don't do Facebook (no intention of joining), so I'll never get to see them, hah.
NewDustin OCT 21, 10:44 AM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

It's a shame that they make the posts private. I don't do Facebook (no intention of joining), so I'll never get to see them, hah.

I set one up just for access to the Marketplace. It's a picture of my Fiero, and all the information is about my Fiero. My only interactions are in the marketplace. I've still almost shut it down because of the amount of spam and BS I get through it.

...seriously though, the Marketplace is magical.
Spadesluck OCT 21, 11:03 AM
They will have an active website very shorty.
hunter29 OCT 21, 05:11 PM
Thanks guys