RedDevilRiver Software Install (Page 1/1)
edfiero NOV 19, 01:08 PM
I got a new laptop, without a CD drive, and I am trying to install the WINALDL/FreeScan related to Red Devil's OBD cable.

I downloaded the file from the website dropbock and unzipped it to my C drive.

I can see the menu, for INSTALL WinALDL From Disk and INSTALL Freescan from Disk, but when I select these nothing happens.

I emailed the address on his website, but it immediately bounced back as Mailbox FULL.

Any suggestions on how to install this on a Windows 11 computer?
Dukesterpro NOV 19, 02:14 PM
Try running the installer as Administrator right off the disk. Or copy the contents of the disk to your C drive then attempt the install.
Dukesterpro NOV 19, 02:18 PM
I read that too quick. Still try running as administrator or running in compatibility mode for win 7
NewDustin NOV 20, 10:41 AM
Did you try this? It's for W10, but may work for you on W11 as well:
Dennis LaGrua NOV 24, 06:32 PM
The Windows 11 program is designed to work with only Microsoft approved programs. I tried loading HP Tuners and the program and no matter what I have tried to do it will not accept the interface drivers. I assume that Windows 11 it is rejecting WINALDL as well. Its a terrible program.

" THE BLACK PARALYZER" -87GT 3800SC Series III engine, custom ZZP /Frozen Boost Intercooler setup, 3.4" Pulley, Northstar TB, LS1 MAF, 3" Spintech/Hedman Exhaust, P-log Manifold, Autolite 104's, MSD wires, Custom CAI, 4T65eHD w. custom axles, Champion Radiator, S10 Brake Booster, HP Tuners VCM Suite.
87GT - ALL OUT 3.4L Turbocharged engine, Garrett Hybrid Turbo, MSD ign., modified TH125H

Patrick NOV 24, 06:47 PM

Originally posted by edfiero:

I am trying to install the WINALDL/FreeScan related to Red Devil's OBD cable.

I emailed the address on his website, but it immediately bounced back as Mailbox FULL.

Not surprised... as unfortunately, phonedawgz (Red Devil) has a history of spotty communication.
IMSA GT NOV 24, 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:

Not surprised... as unfortunately, phonedawgz (Red Devil) has a history of spotty communication.

Which is really a shame. I've never bought anything from him but he has some of the most helpful items for troubleshooting.
Patrick NOV 24, 07:59 PM

Originally posted by IMSA GT:

Which is really a shame. I've never bought anything from him but he has some of the most helpful items for troubleshooting.

I agree, it really is a shame, as phonedawgz is a knowledgeable guy and has been quite helpful here over the years... but for whatever reason, he regularly goes for spells where there's next to no communication between him and his customers. It's unfortunately a reoccurring theme.