1973 International Harvestor 1210D Pickup (Page 2/4)
jaskispyder OCT 22, 12:28 PM
I may take out the points and install a electronic ignition (well a kit to remove the points). Price is about $130 or less for everything and it is plug/play. I can modify the existing distributor, etc. but I don't have a junkyard around here for the parts. Anyway... first step... get an exhaust! BTW, the truck will be here later this week and I will know more.
Monkeyman OCT 24, 02:09 AM
Exhausts are overrated. Any sort of galvanized pipe from the header to somewhere behind the cab (just so you don't inhale fumes) would work well. I'm seeing $40 in the exhaust at the most. If you have visual inspections in Canada Michigan, find someone with an old beat up muffler they'll give you.
jaskispyder OCT 24, 08:14 AM
Truck will be here tomorrow. I will call the exhaust shop to get the appt. Usually it is "bring it by in the morning" is the answer I get from him

Anyway, I may have to look at the fuel tanks to see how much rust is inside (using an inline filter)... plus there are dual tanks. Should be interesting.

BTW, a crossover needs to be created (V8), so there will be some custom work here (well unless I get dual exhaust). Currently the crossover is a mixture of tin cans wrapped around some sort of pipe
I wish I had the time and resources to do it myself, but we just don't have the stores that stock what I need, so off to the professional.

[This message has been edited by jaskispyder (edited 10-24-2012).]

jaskispyder OCT 29, 12:57 PM
Ok, I had to work on the timing and point gap as both were way off. The carb may need to be rebuilt also, as it runs great at high rpm, but not so well at low/idle. I still have to play with it. I think the float already stuck, once. hmmm
jaskispyder OCT 29, 08:55 PM
looks like fuel tanks have junk in them. I have to drop and clean them (2 of them) out. I have a hose in a 5 gal container and pulling good fuel from there.

On the plus side.... the yellow rotating light (slow moving vehicle) that is bolted to the top of the cab.... works!
Hank is Here NOV 05, 11:19 AM
Nice looking truck! The limited amount of rust is amazing, I thought they came from the factory with body rot!

Not sure if everyone has heard but International is planning on getting back into the pickup truck game. They will soon be releasing a 4500/5500 class pickup truck to compete with the F450 pickup. This is a legit pickup they will offer and not a chassis.
jaskispyder NOV 06, 11:19 AM
Yeah, some floor board rust, but it wasn't undercoated there (above fuel tanks).

I have to rebuild the carb... next on list.
jaskispyder NOV 09, 11:54 AM
Well, stuck on the carb rebuild. Holley doesn't make the specific kit and the generic kits don't seem to contain the correct throttle body gasket for my exact carb. Walker makes a kit that I am looking at, but I may just send it out at this point. My parts cost is getting close to half the cost of sending it out. The company will bench test it and engine test it to set everything. Sure I will need to adjust a few things, but it would be really close to factory.
RWDPLZ NOV 09, 05:30 PM
Rock Auto lists the mounting gasket as Felpro part # 9668, is this it? It's a whopping $1.00 or so plus shipping for them, I would think a parts store could get it for $5 or less?

jaskispyder NOV 12, 02:23 PM

Originally posted by RWDPLZ:

Rock Auto lists the mounting gasket as Felpro part # 9668, is this it? It's a whopping $1.00 or so plus shipping for them, I would think a parts store could get it for $5 or less?

That is the wrong gasket (different carb probably... IHC used multiple carbs). International used Felpro 60677 (I think) as it is about 1/4" thick and has a shield to prevent vapor lock. $5 plus $3 shipping from rock auto. Local store wanted $8 plus $8 shipping.

More than I ever wanted to learn about gaskets

[This message has been edited by jaskispyder (edited 11-12-2012).]