Craigslist car ad with 13 year old pictures? (Page 2/2)
FriendGregory OCT 10, 03:40 PM
Not as bad as a car I looked at. The fancy wheel and tires were now 3 different styles of stock and at least one tire would be a no go on driving a distance. Then, the rake was different. Then, where is the antenna? The car I was looking at had at least a 5 gallon bucket of bondo used to make it look like a car. On confronting them about the differences, the seller said the parent built 2 cars because it was more economical but, it was the same car, just different wheels. Uh, F- no. It was time to walk.
2.5 OCT 11, 02:00 PM
Heh, I like how it comes with "Experienced slicks". aka (used tires)
mcaanda DEC 29, 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Patrick:

I liked the Gremlin. The Pacer... I did not.

Deer God - I've re-lived a short period of my life I thought I'd never have to re-visit being that it was pushed deep inside and never to be dredged back to consciousness.

I took my drivers test at the ripe ole age of 16 and a day in a Pacer that looked identical to this one here:

Should have seen the look on the drivers license test guy when he walked out and saw that hulk of hot chick pickin' up ride waiting to be rolled through the mean streets of Tacoma.

[This message has been edited by mcaanda (edited 12-29-2016).]

Monkeyman DEC 29, 02:10 AM
I took my driving test in the middle of winter (the requirement was 16 years, 3 months which made it the end of January (in northern Indiana). I used my passed down 1969 Chevrolet Kingswood station wagon. I don't think there was any larger car at the time. Wish I still had that car.

Like this but with a blue top and stock wheels.

Patrick DEC 29, 08:25 PM

Originally posted by mcaanda:

Should have seen the look on the drivers license test guy when he walked out and saw that hulk of hot chick pickin' up ride waiting to be rolled through the mean streets of Tacoma.

I'm sure the babes just threw themselves into the back of that wagon.

If you like that shot of Brigitte Bardot on the hood of the Pacer, you'll enjoy the following site... Chick Magnets: Vintage Rides and the Ladies Who Loved Them

Originally posted in Chick Magnets:

As far as inanimate mechanical objects go, the car has got to be the top when it comes to being associated with coolness and verility. Perhaps, only the electric guitar and motorcycle can top it. Sure, you’ve got your “chick repellents” like the Brady Bunch station wagons and AMC Pacers; however, these are easily countered by a 1966 Pontiac GTO or James Bond’s Alpha Romeo GTV6, which literally do not need gas to run, but rather are powered by their own raw sexual energy.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 12-29-2016).]

rogergarrison JAN 19, 07:35 PM
"Ummm, this might seem like a rather obvious question... but why don't you adjust/correct the date? "

Some of my cameras I use have a date stamp that drops out of sync after its stored a while. If I use that camera only every few months, its not worth bothering to keep resetting. For that reason, I generally dont imprint date/time, except for like documentation for insurance or something.