Head Lamp Fog (Page 1/2)
no2pencil AUG 30, 09:49 AM
The headlights on our 2002 Dodge Stratus are almost solid yellow. We bought some of that 'clear' compound, & after applying it to only one light there is zero difference.

How can I get these lights cleared up to allow 100% light through?
jaskispyder AUG 30, 09:52 AM
You need to get a kit that sands/polishes the lens... or find replacement lenses. The cheap "coat the lens" stuff is... well... not going to work.
no2pencil AUG 30, 09:57 AM

Originally posted by jaskispyder:

You need to get a kit that sands/polishes the lens...

Any example manufacturers or brand names? Thank you!
jaskispyder AUG 30, 10:17 AM
Meguiars or 3M. Stop in your local auto parts store or google either one. Try "headlight restore Meguiars" or "headlight restore 3m"
jaskispyder AUG 30, 10:18 AM
or buy new... not sure if you have a 4 door.

I just googled the part.
BlackEmrald AUG 30, 02:51 PM
I highly reccomend the 3M kit. I have performed the service for many customers and it always comes out great. Just a word of caution though, when sanding the lenses down, keep moving as the friction will melt the plastic quickly, and you will be left with ugly little swirl marks.
turboguy327 AUG 30, 04:32 PM
Remove the headlights and take them to get clear coated or they will yellow again in a few months.
no2pencil AUG 31, 10:57 AM

Originally posted by jaskispyder:

or buy new... not sure if you have a 4 door.
http://www.am-autoparts.com.. .zFj7ICFalDMgodp3IAow

I just googled the part.

Wow, for less than $100 I can get a new set? Nice. I might just do this

carnut122 AUG 31, 05:02 PM
I was buffing out my paint job on my pickup and decided to hit the lenses with the buffer and compound. They cleared right up(you might want to mask off your paint if you go this route).
Fiero84Freak AUG 31, 11:33 PM
If they are reflector style outer housings, an old tooth brush and some tooth paste will remove the yellowed hazing. Costs pretty much nothing since everyone has an old tooth brush and some tooth paste lying around. They'll still look slightly yellow, but they'll clear up enough that all the pitted hazing should be gone and the surface will smooth out.