1973 International Harvestor 1210D Pickup (Page 1/4)
jaskispyder OCT 15, 03:28 PM

Ok, my new purchase. ... well, "new".... more like something fun to pull the (heavy) boat around.

It has a 345V8, auto tranny, 3/4 ton, 2WD, 60,000 miles, old farm truck from what I am told. Was repainted poorly, so the replacement paint is flaking off. I would rather have the old patina anyway.

Some minor rust in spots. Chassis is in excellent shape (undercoated, if you can believe it).

Needs exhaust and brake cylinder (I am told).

So I will be picking it up in a few weeks and will have more details.

Plans are to keep it in original shape, and not restore. Just something different.
RWDPLZ OCT 15, 05:43 PM
Considering the lack of rust, I'm guessing she, 'aint from 'round here?'
jaskispyder OCT 15, 06:23 PM
Purchased from local dealer, who is still around. Weiland.
Tony Kania OCT 15, 08:36 PM
I want something elclectic.

Keep us updated please...

carnut122 OCT 15, 08:37 PM
My boss in 1976 had one like that and it had about 150,000 miles on it which was pretty amazing back then.
jaskispyder OCT 16, 01:00 PM
Anyone have a suggestion for an add-on (cheap) radio/speaker? I seen some old ones that were self-contained and mounted under the dash. I believe there is an opening with a cover for a radio, but I haven't seen it in person to know. There is always the tractor fender mounted ones, but that is too much money..... we have to keep this on the cheap side. Heck, I may just mount an old fiero radio under the dash
weaselbeak OCT 18, 10:40 PM
Those old 345 engines had a lot of alloy (nickel, I think) in the block, and were high quality stuff. A real keeper. Those engines were low RPM units, super tough, and liked their gas. There wasn't much you could do about the gas hog part. It will do you proud if you keep clean oil in it.
jaskispyder OCT 19, 01:05 PM

Originally posted by weaselbeak:

Those old 345 engines had a lot of alloy (nickel, I think) in the block, and were high quality stuff. A real keeper. Those engines were low RPM units, super tough, and liked their gas. There wasn't much you could do about the gas hog part. It will do you proud if you keep clean oil in it.

Thanks, I plan to.... I heard that they take about 7qts and prefer to be overfilled... any info on that?

No issue with high revving it here. It will not be a highway vehicle, just around town.... 55mph and less. the rear end is a 4.10, from what I am learning.

Gokart Mozart OCT 20, 11:13 AM
Love the unique vehicles!
These might help with finding info and parts.
SillyImportRacer OCT 22, 09:35 AM
I had a '70 1200D 3/4 ton 4x4 with a 392/4-speed. It was a great truck. Nt fast but could pull a house down. I got 8 mpg with it no matter what the conditions.

I always kept the oil at the "full" line on the dipstick. I can't remember how many qt's it took.

Cool truck. Enjoy it. I'd love to have another one.