Exhaust manifold to y-pipe connection (Page 1/1)
jaskispyder MAR 05, 09:54 AM
'92 K1500 truck.

The Y-pipe needs to be replaced. The muffler shop won't touch it because the studs are shot and have been replaced once (and tack welded in). The flange is corroded and doesn't have all the meat left on the flanges. I might be able to grind out the tack weld and get the old studs out... maybe. I could tack weld in new.

Or I can make up a new flange that sits on top of the old manifold cast flange (what is left of it). Walker sells such a kit for the y-pipe side, but not the manifold side.

I could replace the manifolds (or remove/fix). But I would rather not do this, as I don't want to deal with broken exhaust manifold bolts (into head).

This truck is needed until I can get my '73 IH on the road this spring.

Thoughts? Any success stories? I really don't want to spend a lot of money on this truck as I am going to replace it soon enough.

Y-pipe is cracked and has holes... so truck is getting louder.
jaskispyder MAR 11, 07:11 AM
FYI, fixed it. Purchased an exhaust repair flange and removed the old flange on the cast exhaust manifold. Took a couple of days, but it is all quiet again.