Guess it's time to let the cat out if the bag (Page 1/1)
pontiackid86 JUL 27, 11:51 AM

Well folks a dream car level purchase happend the other week and thus why I'm getting out of fieros... I'll be back in one someday for sure but the deal I got on this was to hard to pass up. For the record I've never driven a car that was this,, obnoxious and I absolutely love it. I'll still stay semi active on the form

Jake_Dragon JUL 27, 01:17 PM
Just never like the sound of them. I forget, do they have a cross over for the exhaust?

I have been looking at some Cobra replicas and if I find one I will jump. Prices are all over the place, either they think they have an original or its sat for too long and they need to make a house payment.
pontiackid86 JUL 27, 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Jake_Dragon:

Just never like the sound of them. I forget, do they have a cross over for the exhaust?

I have been looking at some Cobra replicas and if I find one I will jump. Prices are all over the place, either they think they have an original or its sat for too long and they need to make a house payment.

I believe it originally did but mine has been removed
Cheever3000 JUL 27, 04:36 PM
Call me Max Jelly!
RWDPLZ JUL 27, 05:00 PM
pontiackid86: VIPER MAN

SKJSS JUL 28, 11:05 AM
Super cool!!! Back in the day, I had a '99 GTS. All black with no stripes. It was stunning. I found the driving position to be a bit awkward, but it was just such a coooooool car. I'd love to get another one someday.

A lot of people cross shop these with the Cobra replica. I had one of those too.... No, I'm not rich, I just have automotive ADHD. I used the money from the sale of my Cobra to buy a Viper, so I really only spent the money once. The Cobra was probably more "fun" to drive for me, however it was both good and bad. The Cobra is even more of a "raw" driving experience than the Viper. It's louder, faster and more in-your-face. However, it's also smelly, obnoxious at times, has no windows, its' use is limited. The Viper has so many of the qualities of the Cobra, but is more usable. You can't go wrong with either one, frankly.

Congrats!! I love it, the color is stunning. Be prepared to spend even more time at the gas station answering questions than you ever did in the Fiero.
pontiackid86 SEP 27, 12:54 PM
Well 2 months in and all I've ad is a power steering pump failure which led to a fre other chain reaction fixes... all fixed snd back on the road.. still love this car whwt an experience