Fuji SLR type Digital Camera (Page 1/1) |
JUL 11, 08:00 PM
A perfect condition gently used 9000 digital camera. Includes case, all accessories and cables, manual. Super easy to use semi professional camera. Manual 30mm-300mm zoom lens + digital zoom. Movie mode, fast shutter settings for up to 40 continous photos @ one per 1.5 seconds. Auto or manual everything. This was Fujis top of the line. Uses mutiple card formats including XD. Swivel screen extends in all directions for taking low shots, or over the head crowd shots. Also thru the lens viewfinder mode for outside sunny use. Too many features to list all. Ask any questions. Was $750 new. Listening to offers. I also have a Canon that similar that I use more, so just selling this because it never gets used. Uses 4 AA batteries instead of expensive rechargables. Never get caught with a dead battery. 4 lithiums last me for over 2000 photos.
JUL 12, 10:48 PM
I'll start the bid at $100.
JUL 13, 12:34 PM
JUL 14, 07:05 AM
What year did you buy it, and can you change lenses on it?
JUL 14, 12:44 PM
Its been a few years back. last 2 its just sat in a drawer with the batteries out. Its just like I bought it, but without the box. The link has all the correct specs. I can easily check it to make sure it all works correctly. Ill even include a bunch of cards from 16mg to 2g. They dont work in my other camera.
JUL 14, 03:56 PM
JUL 14, 04:38 PM
To clarify, this does not support removable lenses ... the 28-300 lens is built into the camera body. I do not know if a camera shop can change them for you or not. 28mm is standard wide angle, and 300mm is a pretty good zoom. Being manual zoom, you can go from 28mm to all the way zoom instantly with a twist of the hand, no power needed.
JUL 15, 02:06 PM
JUL 17, 02:30 PM
eck they got 999.oo in 2005 for a slr(like) camera with fixed lens..