Hey Hey it's the Monkies (pox) (Page 1/2)
steve308 MAY 20, 06:19 PM
How long until we have a vaccine?
rinselberg MAY 20, 06:29 PM

"Hear no monkey pox, see no monkeypox, speak no monkey pox."

Fauci's "on it"

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 05-20-2022).]

MidEngineManiac MAY 20, 06:35 PM


What say we skip all these fake "WE ALL GONNA DIE" scam-demics and just get to the nnnUUUKKKKKllleeeeeeeAAARRRRRRR war fear-mongering instead.

This stuff is boring.

Hiding under a made-in-china desk for protection from a nuke blast, now THAT is funny **** !
Hudini MAY 20, 06:36 PM
The latest scandemic. Just in time for the November voting season. Only mail-in drop boxes (without cameras) allowed.
williegoat MAY 20, 06:43 PM
I think most of us old geezers were vaccinated against smallpox in the 1950's or 1960's, and from what I have been reading, we should be good. Although I ain't no HooDoo Shaman, I'll play one on TV for the right price.

But don't you fret none. Old Joe has already spent $120,000,000 of your money on Monkeypox vaccines from Denmark. Is Hunter on the board of a Danish pharma company?

[This message has been edited by williegoat (edited 05-20-2022).]

MidEngineManiac MAY 21, 09:47 PM
MidEngineManiac MAY 22, 05:48 PM
I believe the proper pronoun for this is "moron"

Head to an 80,000-strong orgy then get surprised when they catch something penicillin cant cure.

Critical thinking isn't their strong point, is it ?

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 05-22-2022).]

williegoat MAY 22, 11:04 PM
I just found out there is no vaccine against ingrown toenails.
MidEngineManiac MAY 23, 12:32 PM

Originally posted by williegoat:

I just found out there is no vaccine against ingrown toenails.

Or stupidity.....
MidEngineManiac MAY 23, 01:37 PM
Here come the lock-downs.


Of course, if push come to shove, know your stuff...


[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 05-23-2022).]