Trudeau want to invoke the Emergency Act. (Page 22/22)
MidEngineManiac FEB 21, 01:06 PM
This country hasn't hit the 'fight back" point yet, they still think peaceful protest works against tyrants and jackboots. Never in human history has it worked.

That's probably about to change. That lady that got run over by the horse was a Mohawk elder. (Broken collarbone, BTW). There are a BIG bunch of people in this fight now, heading to JT's doorstep, who have a LONG history of not backing down from these thugs.

He shoulda quit while he was behind.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 02-21-2022).]

MidEngineManiac FEB 21, 01:16 PM
Mickey_Moose FEB 21, 03:32 PM
Let us keep in mind this same idiot that is now calling the blockades illegal and hence invoking the Emergency Act - did dick all when a certain group blocked rail lines and roads for much longer a few years ago.

This guy is completely ineffective as a leader and is only in it for his ego - all you have to do is look at how proud he was about his socks shortly after getting elected the first time. Yet there are still a group of idiots out there that still drink his koolaid.
Wichita FEB 21, 03:36 PM

I forget the leftist crybabies on here.

[This message has been edited by Wichita (edited 02-21-2022).]