Can someone help me find a video??? (Page 1/1) |
82-T/A [At Work]
MAR 30, 08:00 AM
After going to this thread, https://www.fiero.nl/forum/...m12/HTML/000108.html and then reading the article within it... a line in the article stood out to me:
"A world without bullshit jobs that have no use and purpose whatsoever."
It immediately irked me. There are no bullshit jobs. If someone is paying you to do a job, then it's something that needs to get done (unless you're working for a firm that does money laundering). Supply and demand.
Anyway... it infuriated me.
I remember... maybe 10 years ago. There was a commercial that aired during one of the Super Bowls. It was an add that honored people who go to work every day to keep the American engine moving. It might have even been shortly after 9/11... I just remember it was really moving to me. Can anyone help me find it? I think we need more of that kind of stuff...
Nothing I hate more, than Millennials who don't want to have to work and think it's unfair that they're required to work.
ray b
MAR 30, 03:22 PM
sounds like apple 1984 throw off your chains
girl throws a hammer
u-tube may have super bowl ads
MAR 30, 03:52 PM
MAR 30, 04:14 PM
So God made a farmer
Is this it?
Edit - 2.5 beat me to it. ------------------ Curtis
1987 Pontiac Fiero GT: <Drives like a Go-Kart, handles like a roller coaster>[This message has been edited by WonderBoy (edited 03-30-2022).]
82-T/A [At Work]
MAR 31, 10:06 AM
Thanks guys, the Paul Harvey one was good... but that wasn't it.
I think it was made by the US Chamber of Commerce, and played shortly after 9/11 to honor the American workforce... perhaps it was even after the 2008 boom and bust, I can't remember... but I know it was over a decade ago.
The message it portrayed was pretty significant, and it honestly made me tear up a little... I'm going to keep looking...
EDIT: It showed people walking to work in NYC in downtown, people at their desks, people working in a factory, people building cars, and some other scenes...[This message has been edited by 82-T/A [At Work] (edited 03-31-2022).]