Aint that co-inky-dinkly timing (Page 1/1)
MidEngineManiac JUN 27, 10:32 PM
With a major "Eff You" protest coming up in Ottawa for Canada me...It's being changed to "New Day"

The Leftie Lunatics and their Putrid Pet Pigfilth are at it again.

RIGHTS ???? You aint got no stinking rights except to do, think and speak as socialist sheetstains tell you !!
82-T/A [At Work] JUN 28, 07:38 AM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

With a major "Eff You" protest coming up in Ottawa for Canada me...It's being changed to "New Day"

The Leftie Lunatics and their Putrid Pet Pigfilth are at it again.

RIGHTS ???? You aint got no stinking rights except to do, think and speak as socialist sheetstains tell you !!

The only way that things like this change, is when the country fails so miserably, that the entire populace starts to hurt, and then, and only then do they oust the ruling party.
MidEngineManiac JUN 30, 03:08 AM
So now we have secret custody for "safety".

82-T/A [At Work] JUN 30, 07:55 AM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

So now we have secret custody for "safety".

I haven't really been paying much attention... (You can see that we've been having our own problems here), but why do they keep arresting and prosecuting her? So... she organized a group of truckers to *peacefully* protest around the country. It seems like they're treating her like Charles Manson... what am I missing here?

MidEngineManiac JUN 30, 09:52 AM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:
I haven't really been paying much attention... (You can see that we've been having our own problems here), but why do they keep arresting and prosecuting her? So... she organized a group of truckers to *peacefully* protest around the country. It seems like they're treating her like Charles Manson... what am I missing here?

She is being made an example DO NOT question and you DO NOT dare defy Turdeau. You WILL NOT hold "unacceptable views".....He is showing what happens if you do.

82-T/A [At Work] JUN 30, 10:00 AM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

She is being made an example DO NOT question and you DO NOT dare defy Turdeau. You WILL NOT hold "unacceptable views".....He is showing what happens if you do.

Are people OK with this?

The media here is making it seem like 95% of the country is overwhelmingly enthralled with Trudeau... like... they're totally in heaven and so happy that he is their leader. They make it seem like she's of the 5% super-radical crazies.
olejoedad JUN 30, 10:35 AM

Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]:

Are people OK with this?

The media here is making it seem like 95% of the country is overwhelmingly enthralled with Trudeau... like... they're totally in heaven and so happy that he is their leader. They make it seem like she's of the 5% super-radical crazies.

You believe the news?

Interested in buying a bridge?

[This message has been edited by olejoedad (edited 06-30-2022).]

MidEngineManiac JUN 30, 10:55 AM
He got in with 22% support (which has now dropped) and has a minority government (cant take a crap without another parties support, which is NDP and even further left than this ******* )...

HELL NO we are not OK with it.

But after last winters bank-account freeze and vehicle siezuere sheet he has a LOT of people shittin their pants, they are more worried about saving their own mortgage or car payment than anything else. It's become a semi-serious running joke up here to watch your bank account and criticize in whispers (LMAO, I aint that bright, handcuff dont scare me )

Rumors floating around too that he is going to make budgetary amendments (administrative) for those on Canada Pension (our version of SS) that no jab, no check. Step out of line, no check. Going after the elderly and disabled via finances.

Help from the pigs ? Yeh right..They are bought-and-paid-for just like the media here.

THIS place has turned into 1930's Germany, and it turned damn fast.