What if ? Git yer tinfoil hat. (Page 1/2)
MidEngineManiac JUL 15, 05:54 AM


What if this inflation, the rising interest rates, the labor shortage, the coming massive foreclosure and following mass homelessness.....are all a cover-up ?

All planned. All orchestrated. To cover the tracks.

When people have stable housing, fixed address, and have jobs it is pretty easy to keep track of them.

BUT, if you wanted to hide a mass die-off, what's the best way to do it ?

A mostly homeless-transient population. Nobody knows if you keeled over and are rotting in the woods, or just moved on.

Things that make ya go "HHmmmmm"
olejoedad JUL 15, 07:26 AM
What if?

You really think this is all coincidence?
rinselberg JUL 15, 07:05 PM

williegoat JUL 15, 07:46 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

olejoedad JUL 15, 08:12 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I see you found the facelift picture....
Hudini JUL 15, 08:21 PM
Goes to show you can put lipstick on a pig
olejoedad JUL 15, 08:38 PM
randye JUL 15, 09:18 PM
Leftists love their own illusions and delusions.

THIS is the 74 year old reality:

[This message has been edited by randye (edited 07-16-2022).]

Zeb JUL 16, 12:28 PM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:

What if this.....all a cover-up? All planned..... To.... hide a mass die-off,

I've said this before, when everybody was asking, "Why aren't people returning to work?"


We all thought Covid deaths were over reported. The "What If?" is, "What if Covid deaths are UNDER reported?" Out of a population of about 330 million, we've had, allegedly, 1 million Covid deaths.

Unfilled job openings are, again, allegedly, 9 million. Where did the other 8 million go?

Adjust your tinfoil hat according to your personal paranoia and politics.
rinselberg JUL 16, 12:53 PM
That was "just for sh*ts"... what I posted. I am not (and was not) under the illusion that what I posted was a recent photograph of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Call it "soft trolling." Call it "a meandering moment." Call it whatever you like. But don't call it late for dinner.

The Reaktion says a lot. It always does. But what it says cannot be understood merely by reading it.

"Bla bla bla Leftists... bla bla bla the White Sox... bla bla bla The Whole Damn Thing."

Something to ponder.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 07-16-2022).]