(Just, um...could ya'all hold off on them mid-term festivities until Jan or Feb sometime ? Swimming the St. Clair is gonna be damn cold in November, but wait a little and I can just waddle right across it. THANKS !, I knew ya's understand.)
[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 09-21-2022).]
SEP 22, 09:38 PM
Looks to me like this McClintock Amendment that was defeated along party lines (21 Democrats against it, 12 Republicans in favor of it) was just an opinion that the Republicans wanted to insert into the language of the bill, but not anything that would have changed this proposed new federal legislation in any substantive way.
I think they just wanted to propose this amendment so that the Democrats would vote it down, and then it becomes a Republican talking point. Instead of proposing a Republican authored bill to use federal supremacy to make it illegal for any state government to allow non-citizens to vote in any statewide election or any local election within the state.
"Republican grandstanding."
But make no mistake, I'm not saying it's just the Republicans that would "be this."
[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 09-22-2022).]