What if… (Page 1/5)
williegoat FEB 13, 12:38 PM
What if the the US government came out this week and told us that we are under the control of space aliens? Or that the aliens are here and we are under siege?

Would you believe them? What kind of proof would you accept? Given the advanced state of modern technology, how would you know that the proof was real?

What would you do?

This is just something to ponder. Don’t read anything into this that I have not said.

This is just a drill.

"Don't shoot me, Joe!"

MidEngineManiac FEB 13, 01:52 PM
If the government told me grass is green, sky is blue and snow is white.....I am heading out to check for myself. I havent forgotten when they told me Covid was gonna be a 2 week slow-down to flatten the curve.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 02-13-2023).]

Fitz301 FEB 16, 12:38 PM
I always do and believe the exact opposite of what demoncrats say and do.

Let's say that some real evidence came to light and it turns out that aliens (space aliens, not illegal aliens) exist, just for the sake of argument, UFO's have been being spotted, and alledgedly captured, since at least 1947 with the Roswell "crash", and since then, the government has swore up, down, and backwards that they didn't and neither do aliens, now suddenly when their attempted power grab is in jeopardy suddenly aliens and UFO's exist.

How convenient.

My opinion is, if UFO's and aliens do exist, and have craft beyond our understanding able to travel lightyears instantly, then clearly they could have taken over long ago, so why didn't they?

If they (the "aliens") wanted the Earth, they would have just taken it. Being advanced beings, wouldn't it have made more sense to take over in the past when there were less people, less cities, less of everything, but more raw resources?

Here's some food for thought, let's say aliens do exist, what if they're not extra terrestrials but time travelers sent back to warn us about what the human race will become because of rewriting of our DNA through "vaxxinations", because the theory is that these "aliens" have lost the ability to reproduce and that's why they "abduct" people?

Which, btw, is a "side effect" of the covid death shot, that if they don't die they a rendered sterile for purposes of "population control".

Guess we'll just have to wait for rinselberg's "truth's" and clip art to find out...
rinselberg FEB 16, 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Fitz301:

I always do and believe the exact opposite of what demoncrats say and do.

Let's say that some real evidence came to light and it turns out that aliens (space aliens, not illegal aliens) exist, just for the sake of argument, UFO's have been being spotted, and alledgedly captured, since at least 1947 with the Roswell "crash", and since then, the government has swore up, down, and backwards that they didn't and neither do aliens, now suddenly when their attempted power grab is in jeopardy suddenly aliens and UFO's exist.

How convenient.

My opinion is, if UFO's and aliens do exist, and have craft beyond our understanding able to travel lightyears instantly, then clearly they could have taken over long ago, so why didn't they?

If they (the "aliens") wanted the Earth, they would have just taken it. Being advanced beings, wouldn't it have made more sense to take over in the past when there were less people, less cities, less of everything, but more raw resources?

Here's some food for thought, let's say aliens do exist, what if they're not extra terrestrials but time travelers sent back to warn us about what the human race will become because of rewriting of our DNA through "vaxxinations", because the theory is that these "aliens" have lost the ability to reproduce and that's why they "abduct" people?

Which, btw, is a "side effect" of the covid death shot, that if they don't die they a rendered sterile for purposes of "population control".

Guess we'll just have to wait for rinselberg's "truth's" and clip art to find out...

Fitz301 FEB 16, 02:13 PM
So you just reposted the truth huh?

No clipart?

No wise ass comment?

You sick? That vax taking effect?
rinselberg FEB 16, 03:32 PM
I'm taking my cue from Jake_Dragon.

It's how he customarily responds to messages from "ray b".

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 02-16-2023).]

Fitz301 FEB 16, 03:44 PM
So you have no answer and are perpetrating like you are "refusing to answer crazy people" right?

Got it. Straight from the playbook for talking to "conspiracy theorists", which translates to: "I really don't know what I'm talking about".

Because you would be right - you don't.
rinselberg FEB 16, 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Fitz301:

So you have no answer and are perpetrating like you are "refusing to answer crazy people" right? Got it. Straight from the playbook for talking to "conspiracy theorists", which translates to: "I really don't know what I'm talking about".

Because you would be right - you don't.

Have you considered enrolling in one or more community college courses or university extension campus courses in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) category? Maybe an online course, for your convenience.

If you are going to disagree with such commonly held beliefs as Anthropogenic Global Warming, or Evolution of Species, would you not like to have some actual reasons for disagreeing with such ideas? What kind of sense does it make for a "Fitz" to disagree with ideas that are so currently unfamiliar to him? If someone within my earshot said something in a foreign language—I am not even close to fluent in any foreign language—I wouldn't say "I don't agree with that." How would I know whether I agreed with it or not?

I can't say what would be readily available to you, as far as courses you could enroll in, but there might be something that kind of resonates with you, in terms of your beliefs and disbeliefs.

I just described Anthropogenic Global Warming and Evolution of Species as "commonly held beliefs". I don't mean to say or imply that these are majority beliefs among any group of people that are drawn at large from the general population, But you can't reasonably deny that many people salute these ideas as they are run up the proverbial flag pole on a more or less daily occurrence.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 02-16-2023).]

MidEngineManiac FEB 16, 04:53 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

I just described Anthropogenic Global Warming and Evolution of Species as "commonly held beliefs". I don't mean to say or imply that these are majority beliefs among any group of people that are drawn at large from the general population, But you can't reasonably deny that many people salute these ideas as they are run up the proverbial flag pole on a more or less daily occurrence.

A held belief DOES NOT equate a true belief. no matter how common or wide-spread.

Beliefs are NOT "safe and effective"
rinselberg FEB 16, 05:13 PM
I am not arguing that these beliefs accurately reflect the reality of the Cosmos or the mind of its creator (for people who lean that way).

I am encouraging (or trying to encourage) "Fitz"(and perhaps others) to undertake some further and very personal exploration of epistemology, in which he or she would examine more closely why they believe what they believe, and why they disbelieve what they disbelieve.

MidEngineManiac is talking of ontology, not epistemology. So there's a disconnect.