1 in 310. That's your odds. (Page 1/4)
MidEngineManiac MAR 24, 06:15 AM

Wichita MAR 24, 07:16 AM
We may never really get under the hood to really see what was really involved, swept under, conspired in this whole human tragedy of humanity.

The leftists are protecting themselves from this disaster, as they had everything to do with it. They refuse to investigate the origins (to this day there is no scientific studies on pre-print or peer review studies), yet the leftist narrative is still trying to say it is a wet market natural zoonotic virus (which everyone knows is a lie).

The reason the leftist lie is to hide the fact they were doing GOF research directed by Fauci (illegal in the USA) and funded by leftists.

We have to wait for a generation of leftist elders to die in order to even start a thorough forensic on what exactly happened, the collusion to phrama, Democratic Party and China. They are protecting themselves from investigation in such a corrupt magnitude, it is Soviet style scary.

Side note * (by the way Biden is going to bail out Moderna because their one-trick vaccine pony that raped the taxpayers, and now nobody wants it and the company is collapsing, but the Dems can't afford it to go out of business and records combed over like the Twitter Files.)

It will take people yet born to find out the truth, if it ever gets to that. I'm talking about 50+ years, because of the depth of the coverup the leftist have done to hide the truth.
Fitz301 MAR 24, 10:25 AM
Stupidity kills.
rinselberg MAR 24, 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Wichita:
The leftists are protecting themselves from this disaster, as they had everything to do with it. They refuse to investigate the origins (to this day there is no scientific studies on pre-print or peer review studies), yet the leftist narrative is still trying to say it is a wet market natural zoonotic virus (which everyone knows is a lie).

That is a flat-out LIE that is apparently circulating on the same social media networks where this "phoney-baloney" came from:

It's true. The water level in this measuring glass does not change as the ice cube melts. But it's completely irrelevant to the COP27 Global Warming Conference, where the predictions of rising sea levels are based on the melting of land ice, not sea ice. What's land ice? The ice that covers Antarctica and Greenland as glaciers, and other glaciers in mountainous areas around the world. What's sea ice? Icebergs that are already floating in the sea, and the ice that floats on the surface of the seas in the Arctic and offshore around the continent of Antarctica. There's a reason they call that "sea ice". Because it's not on land. "Duh".

How do I know that what Wichita just posted about there not being any research into the origin(s) of Covid-19 is a lie that is circulating on social media?

Because I looked.

You can too. Just select or "click" on these Internet page links:


The third of these 3 links reveals a list of these kind of research reports that stretches for 11 pages. The research reports that do not exist (according to Wichita). If they do not exist, how is it that I see an 11-page listing of the titles of these research reports that "do not exist". It's all a figment of my imagination? A fake Internet that I've somehow been tricked into thinking is the actual Internet? These research reports are all catalogued in this listing from the National Institutes of Health or NIH, National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information. That's what it says at the top of the page.

Another day, another social media networks "phoney-baloney" circulating here on Pennock's... you might think that the people that post this "stuff" would start to ask themselves "Am I really going to the best places online to bring myself up to speed on these topics?" As far as I can tell, that self-questioning and self-examination of their news sources just doesn't ever happen.
williegoat MAR 24, 12:32 PM
Well, yeah...but did they die of the vaccine or with the vaccine?
Jake_Dragon MAR 24, 04:17 PM

Originally posted by williegoat:

Well, yeah...but did they die of the vaccine or with the vaccine?

randye MAR 24, 09:19 PM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

How do I know that what Wichita just posted about there not being any research into the origin(s) of Covid-19 is a lie that is circulating on social media?

Because I looked.

You can too. Just select or "click" on these Internet page links:



So much for the first bit of wild hyperbole.....


Originally posted by rinselberg:


2nd link is the same damn author and the same damn paper.

So much for the 2nd bit of wild hyperbolic BS.....





[This message has been edited by randye (edited 03-24-2023).]

rinselberg MAR 24, 11:38 PM
Total bulls**t from "randye".

Go to the last of the 3 links that I posted:

It's not just this one research report, or this one researcher.

On top of that, I am not saying that there is any research that provides conclusive evidence to pinpoint the origin(s) of Covid-19; I am saying that these links are conclusive evidence that the remarks that I singled out (from forum member "Wichita"), about their not being any research of this kind, are a flat-out lie. Here's the research, in front of anyone's eyes that cares to look—the Internet page links that I provided.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 03-24-2023).]

rinselberg MAR 25, 09:43 AM
Google Scholar search engine input, articles published during or more recently than year 2020.

allintitle: origin pathogen OR crossover OR spillover OR China OR virus OR lab OR laboratory OR bat OR zoonotic OR wet-market OR market OR Wuhan OR virology OR DNA OR receptor OR cleavage "Covid-19


I have just revealed some of the scientific studies that according to this remark—from another forum member, previously in this thread—DO NOT EXIST.

The leftists are protecting themselves from this disaster, as they had everything to do with it. They refuse to investigate the origins (to this day there is no scientific studies on pre-print or peer review studies), yet the leftist narrative is still trying to say it is a wet market natural zoonotic virus (which everyone knows is a lie).

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot... I repeat... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...

This is why I singled out the remarks from the other forum member—"The leftists... refuse to investigate... no scientific studies..."—as an outright lie. I'm not calling the other forum member a "liar". But I wonder how and why it is that misleading and deceptive remarks of this kind are appearing so frequently on this forum.

If anyone is wondering why the BOLDFACE, SIZE=3, COLOR=CYAN text styling, just scroll back two messages before this one. It's a unifying theme.

It's no accident that "Snerk" rhymes with "Jerk".

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 03-25-2023).]

MidEngineManiac MAR 25, 12:23 PM
Oh, ohhh......RUN, It's a SNERK !