World on fire ? (Page 1/1)
MidEngineManiac JUN 28, 11:33 AM
Now THAT"S putting out some carbon !

rinselberg JUN 28, 11:51 AM
MidEngineManiac JUN 28, 12:11 PM
Aint got time for no book, I am head to the store for beer and s'more fixings.

[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 06-28-2023).]

rinselberg JUN 28, 06:12 PM

Originally posted by MidEngineManiac:
Aint got time for no book, I am head to the store for beer and s'more fixings.

You don't need to have read the book, or even to have a copy. Just remember "Pyrocene". Whenever there's an opening. Like this:

Esteemed neighbor
"Wow, the air here is really crappy today. I guess it's the wildfires."

"Yep. This is the new normal. Human civilization has entered a new epoch called the Pyrocene."

Esteemed neighbor
"Wow. You're really plugged in."

Silently flashes a "knowing" grin.