Dishonesty is the way... (Page 1/5)
2.5 DEC 21, 12:53 AM
...the way the left fools fools

The fake honest feel the "documentary" maker has sounds suspiciously like NPR sounds.

[This message has been edited by 2.5 (edited 12-21-2023).]

Wichita DEC 21, 05:04 AM
Leftists are pathological liers and dishonest narcissists. Never believe them or truth them.

[This message has been edited by Wichita (edited 12-21-2023).]

olejoedad DEC 21, 07:06 AM
Good post, and very true.
ray b DEC 21, 02:20 PM
why can't they even notice the spewing of the RUMP


olejoedad DEC 21, 05:16 PM
DJT lives rent-free in your head.
Wichita lives rent-free in rinse's head.

None of the rest of us, as far as I can tell, are obsessed with anything like the two of you appear to be.

Just an observation....
rinselberg DEC 21, 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Wichita:
Leftists are pathological liers and dishonest narcissists. Never believe them or truth them.

This, from the very forum member who posts outright fables about Sea Level Rise—and numerous other topics that I have singled out for my attention on this forum.

"People who live in glass houses..." applies in spades to Wichita.

I don't think he remembers any of his own forum posts for more than just hours or a few days (at best) after he creates them.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 12-21-2023).]

rinselberg DEC 21, 06:56 PM

Originally posted by olejoedad:

DJT lives rent-free in [Ray's] head. Wichita lives rent-free in "rinse's" head.

None of the rest of us, as far as I can tell, are obsessed with anything like the two of you appear to be. Just an observation....

It's all just recreational for me. A way of passing time. There isn't a moment of the time that I spend on this forum that wouldn't be better, from a realistic perspective, if I were to use that same moment for a more practical purpose.

What I find most immediately gratifying is seldom (if ever) the same as what would seem to be most important to me, from a rational perspective.

This is my disorder.

I like the experience of persistently articulating my thoughts about Wichita's remarks, and putting my thoughts on display, for whoever might choose to read them. Even if hardly anyone makes that choice.

[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 12-21-2023).]

Wichita DEC 22, 04:45 AM
Needs for luxury yachts, exotic sports cars, a Paris and Monaco shopping spree, a suspended election, imprisoning political rivals, and to slaughter a half million young men. For the leftist cause of course.

[This message has been edited by Wichita (edited 12-22-2023).]

theBDub DEC 22, 05:54 AM

Originally posted by rinselberg:

It's all just recreational for me. A way of passing time. There isn't a moment of the time that I spend on this forum that wouldn't be better, from a realistic perspective, if I were to use that same moment for a more practical purpose.

What I find most immediately gratifying is seldom (if ever) the same as what would seem to be most important to me, from a rational perspective.

This is my disorder.

I like the experience of persistently articulating my thoughts about Wichita's remarks, and putting my thoughts on display, for whoever might choose to read them. Even if hardly anyone makes that choice.

My thought for awhile is that his account has been compromised. Way back, well over 10 years ago now, he was the most engaging arguer with me on religion. I was a fervent Christian and he was a fervent atheist. What has me thinking his account was compromised is how the engagement changed. His posts now are rarely relevant to the prompt and I don’t remember the last time he actually engaged with a reply with something direct.

Could just be natural change of time. I mean, I’m an atheist now—you could even say Wichita won the argument! Haha.
BingB DEC 28, 03:28 PM
Gun control is a perfect example of two polarized extremes that make logical resolution difficult.

2A extremists claim that the Constitution preserves the right to own guns so that people can take down their own government. But that is clearly BS because the US Constitution also places a death penalty on anyone who raises arms against their own government. Complete contradiction in their logic that they choose to ignore.

On the other hand gun control extremists are all obsessed with so-called "assault weapons" that make up probably less than 1% of all guns and are responsible for a very small percentage of gun deaths.

Every right in the Constitution can (and usually is) limited or regulated by the government. We already have laws preventing violent felons and crazy people from owning guns and regulating who owns machine guns and cannons. We don't need any more laws banning specific weapons or specific people from owning guns. All we need are some basic registration and licensing regulations to help police enforce the laws we already have on the books.

[This message has been edited by BingB (edited 12-28-2023).]