Build Thread: Customizing My 87' GT (Page 2/23)
donnie072003 APR 10, 08:19 AM
I like the way your center console was done. Any details on the way they built that?

87 Fiero GT 3.4, Suspension Technologies with coilovers, Complete poly suspension.


mitchjl22 APR 10, 07:57 PM

Originally posted by donnie072003:

I like the way your center console was done. Any details on the way they built that?

Well, the way the box was built was fairly simple. It's all about the right dimensions. I can't really give you the exact dimensions just cause i don't think West Coast Fiero Would really appreciate that. If i had it to do over, I might have had him just cut a big square hole, so i could've just used the original plate that held the ash trays. PM if you have any more questions.
mitchjl22 APR 18, 06:22 PM
Installed Cool Ambient Light. LEDGlow Hooked me up

Edit: Image Fix

[This message has been edited by mitchjl22 (edited 12-01-2012).]

mitchjl22 APR 21, 02:26 AM
My Brother is a Professional Photographer. Here's a fantastic video he shot of me enjoying my fiero.

[This message has been edited by mitchjl22 (edited 12-23-2012).]

mitchjl22 MAY 07, 02:07 AM
Putting in some more bass!!! Can't wait to show it to everybody interested in it at NWFF.
Would anyone buy these boxes if i made them to sell?
  • Mounting Depth of 8"
  • 1.36cubic feet of internal air volume
  • Good Legroom

Could mount any of the following:

  • 2-3 - 8" Subs (Sealed/Ported)
  • 1 - 10" (Ported)
  • 2 - 10" Subs (Sealed)
  • 1 - 12" Sub (Sealed/Ported)
  • 1 - 15" Sub (Shown Below)

Relief for driver and Cooling (It is Sealed)

Carpeted to match the Ozzite on Rear


[This message has been edited by mitchjl22 (edited 12-01-2012).]

mitchjl22 MAY 29, 12:43 AM
New Rodney Short Shifter

Brighter Dash Bulbs

New Brakes

New Rims

Great Time on Fiero club run

Edit: Pictures

[This message has been edited by mitchjl22 (edited 12-01-2012).]

mitchjl22 SEP 10, 02:00 AM
Looking for a donor car for a Series II 3800SC
mitchjl22 OCT 04, 11:18 PM
Update before it gets ARCHIVED!

Got Mr. Mikes Seats installed,

Performing Alignment (Installing camber bolts)

Having a Birthday! (10/11/12)

New Decklid Strut and Steam Clean!

Luck Peak With Dad! (And Holley Scoop )

Steam Clean #2!

Edit: Pictures

[This message has been edited by mitchjl22 (edited 12-01-2012).]

mitchjl22 OCT 08, 11:13 PM
Thanks to dad for the LED Logo projectors for my birthday! They look amazing!

[This message has been edited by mitchjl22 (edited 12-01-2012).]

mitchjl22 OCT 25, 11:34 PM
I got a $90 ticket today and my parents took my car. So, no updates for a while I guess... or maybe there will be a lot because I'll have plenty of reasons to tear my car apart. I'm not going anywhere anyway. only time will tell.