1988 Rear Brake Caliper Internal Piston Seal Found (works for Pre-88 too) (Page 2/3)
Silicoan86 JUL 19, 06:18 PM
My trip odometer recently rolled over a thousand miles on both my engine swap as well as the rebuilt brakes.

Still no leaks from the rear calipers, brake pedal feels great, and my e-brake works very well.
seajai SEP 26, 03:54 PM
Just wanted to give an update on this thread. It's been around 5000 miles since the rear caliper rebuild on my wife's 88 and the brakes are still working great with no signs of any leakage from the pistons.
Silicoan86 SEP 27, 03:06 PM
Same here! I'm pushing 3500 miles on my car this year with the rebuilt calipers. Everything still functions as new with no signs of trouble. It was well worth the effort.
Larryinkc DEC 13, 04:32 PM
My 1988 right rear caliper is seeping fluid.

I just took a spare right rear caliper apart that was seeping fluid also. It looks like it was recently rebuilt, The outer piston has 2 scratches
that run through the seal area and the bearing washer was bent. Probably damaged when it was rebuilt. All the other parts are clean, no corrosion or rust.

I have a spare left side that is good, I am going try to use the outer piston from the left side to make a good right side.
The outer pistons appear to be the same for both sides.
Silicoan86 DEC 13, 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Larryinkc:

My 1988 right rear caliper is seeping fluid.

I just took a spare right rear caliper apart that was seeping fluid also. It looks like it was recently rebuilt, The outer piston has 2 scratches
that run through the seal area and the bearing washer was bent. Probably damaged when it was rebuilt. All the other parts are clean, no corrosion or rust.

I have a spare left side that is good, I am going try to use the outer piston from the left side to make a good right side.
The outer pistons appear to be the same for both sides.

Yeah I believe you should be fine doing that. IIRC, the only part inside the piston that is left or right specific is the threaded piece in the center of this picture. I don't remember what the manual calls it, "piston actuator" maybe?

[This message has been edited by Silicoan86 (edited 12-13-2016).]

reinhart FEB 26, 06:01 AM
Awesome thread! I'm about to do this.

Can someone confirm I'm understanding correctly that the entire 14362008 kit will work on the 88 rear caliper EXCEPT the large external accordion dust seal that covers the outside of the piston immediately adjacent to the brake pads?

In other words, if the huge outside seal that moves and stretches in and out with the piston movement, is in good shape, can I buy just the 14362008 kit and use all of the included seals except that one biggest one? And I would only need the 88 specific kit (14362031) if that external piston accordion seal is torn?
Larryinkc FEB 26, 09:12 AM
I would get the 88 kits also and change the outer accordion seals while you have them apart. They keep moisture out of your calipers and also should come with new plastic plugs for the piston vent holes.

Rock auto has them for $3.42, Centric part # 14362031.
Shho13 FEB 26, 10:06 AM
Another useful guide with pics that are 404d... Any chance of re uploading them?

Red 1988 GT under restoration!

Let's Go Mets!

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Gall757 FEB 26, 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Shho13:

Another useful guide with pics that are 404d... Any chance of re uploading them?

I think (hope) we are suffering from a temporary server loss. I can't post images right now.
theogre FEB 26, 11:04 AM
PIP server is down right now. It should be back but when depends exact problem.
All sites get DDOS etc attacks or have DNS and other network problems that could take while to stop or solve.