Front suspension help (Page 2/2)
Coolkoolpyle OCT 15, 03:37 PM

This is the bolt I removed from the front a arm rear lower bushing.

As you can see it has been under excessive stress

The bushing came out in chunks

The front bushing and bolt showed minimal wear

By the looks of everything I'm guessing it's only been like this for maybe ten thousand miles

One good pot hole
and this bolt would have likely broke
Putting me in the ditch

If I was lucky.
This is now a

"What NOT to do" thread
Coolkoolpyle OCT 15, 03:41 PM
cvxjet OCT 15, 04:01 PM
Yikes! That is really scary and bad....That is not the right location for a coil-over system...It can handle shock duties but not the spring forces......
pmbrunelle OCT 15, 08:05 PM

Originally posted by cvxjet:

Yikes! That is really scary and bad....That is not the right location for a coil-over system...It can handle shock duties but not the spring forces......

Seeing disasters like this is why I prefer to avoid modified used cars... bone stock is my preference.
ltlfrari OCT 15, 09:21 PM

Originally posted by pmbrunelle:

Seeing disasters like this is why I prefer to avoid modified used cars... bone stock is my preference.

A lot of the time you don't really know what you are buying, even when you know all the main trouble spots, there's a lot that's easy to miss, and this is his first Fiero.
Still, he's found it and hopefully will be able to save yet another one from the bodge it school of repair!

Anything I might say is probably worth what you paid for it, so treat it accordingly!


Shho13 OCT 17, 10:51 AM
I can't believe someone did this. Wow.... Talk about hokey.

Red 1988 GT under restoration!

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