88 Fiero GT (Page 2/3)
Vintage-Nut SEP 09, 04:53 PM
Duck, your Fiero is a hobby and PFF is here to support you!

Flipping Fieros is different....

By jelly2m8
The 'big' money is in low, low miles all original un-molested GT's in exceptional condition.

As Vintage-Nut I said:
"Collectors" - original low mile unrestored car in perfect condition (mint and big money)
"Enthusiasts" - higher mileage refurbished car with 'minor' flaws however will look, run & drive very well. (lower money)

The main issue in restoring/refurbishing a vehicle AND hoping to sell it, is expenditures normally mounts up and sellers "ask for the moon."

Your car had issues and you had been looking for many original items which are missing on your car which 'okay' as a hobby.....

by cam-a-lot
Fieros are not an investment / if you bought it to make money on it, it is a poor use of your time.

We asked if you'll post some photos on the car, but you won't while asking the same "value" question....."How Much"

I like this answer:

by 82-T/A [At Work]
Your best bet is to get it appraised by a classic car appraiser.

And why the comment:

by jelly2m8
I'm afraid your 88 Gt is going to disappoint you on your sell price if it's sold on this forum.

SO, I think (IMHO) that you bought a '88 "T Top" CJB in poor condition (an example is in 'The Mall')
You intent to sell it for a quick profit rather enjoying and driving it
You HOPE to get more ("How Much" Threads) than your expenditures which many members are saying "Good Luck".

Hopeful, you'll post some pictures of your Fiero soon.....
(Any bets?)

[This message has been edited by Vintage-Nut (edited 09-11-2023).]

IMSA GT SEP 30, 05:13 PM
Well, still no pictures?
Patrick SEP 30, 06:40 PM

This thread needs at least one image.

Vintage-Nut OCT 02, 08:33 PM

Originally posted by IMSA GT:
Well, still no pictures?

I believe that Duck 1 will never post pictures of the '88 "T Top" CJB or post anything again..........

cam-a-lot OCT 03, 08:31 PM
And a more useful subject title would help..
reinhart OCT 22, 03:16 PM
funnny how the op omits the most important piece of information on valuing a car/Fiero. Mileage.

The fact that he was considering (or perhaps even did) rattle can painting that car tells me a lot of corners were cut on this "restoration". I wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole even if the pictures that we'll likely never see, *look* nice.
Mickey_Moose OCT 23, 08:06 AM
...some how this reminds me of the, my Fiero was signed by John Delorean, how much is it worth thread...

Dukesterpro OCT 23, 09:14 AM
I'm gonna say this, I still think we are maybe being a bit to harsh, however. Him snidely asking where do you get your information and then responding with every post he has ever made about the car has me howling with laughter. That was funny.

Definitely gives me vibes of Mr. signed by John DeLorean guy, wasn't his a 88GT T-Top too?
css9450 OCT 23, 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Mickey_Moose:

...some how this reminds me of the, my Fiero was signed by John Delorean, how much is it worth thread...

That one plus also the thread where the guy had an old Fiero that GM wanted to buy back as part of a secret clandestine plan to eliminate all Fieros from the world. No matter what we all posted, we were wrong! There was no middle ground.

steve308 MAR 05, 02:46 PM
I understand that the Duck-1 Fiero was signed by Daffy.