My car’s got the Winkie’s and I’m getting frustrated (Page 2/2)
Kitskaboodle JAN 12, 05:01 PM
Ok, I just install the new motors and everything works great now. No more Winkie’s. 😋

As an fyi I noticed something between the new motors and the old ones: I was checking out the new motors when I pulled them out of the box and I could feel the “notching detents”when I spun the knobs slowly. (if that makes sense) I assume it’s due to the magnets being stronger when new as it spins around the windings. (Sorry, I’m not an electrical motor theory expert)
Just to compare, I spun the old ones and felt only the slightest detents.
Funny thing, all the years I have had Fiero’s, I never bought new motors. I always got used ones from the junkyards. I just assumed used ones were far cheaper.
Spoon JAN 12, 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Kitskaboodle:

I didn’t realize how cheap new ones are.


Better put "I didn’t realize how "inexpensive" new ones are." There's Cheap and there is Inexpensive.

Congratulations, now move to the front of the class!!.

"Kilgore Trout once wrote a short story which was a dialogue between two pieces of yeast. They were discussing the possible purposes of life as they ate sugar and suffocated in their own excrement. Because of their limited intelligence, they never came close to guessing that they were making champagne." - Kurt Vonnegut

[This message has been edited by Spoon (edited 01-12-2024).]

theogre JAN 12, 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Kitskaboodle:
I noticed something between the new motors and the old ones: I was checking out the new motors when I pulled them out of the box and I could feel the “notching detents”when I spun the knobs slowly. (if that makes sense) I assume it’s due to the magnets being stronger when new as it spins around the windings. (Sorry, I’m not an electrical motor theory expert)
Just to compare, I spun the old ones and felt only the slightest detents.

Different specs of DC motors can feel different to you spinning unpowered motor.
Also If you short the pins etc w/o connected to anything will act as a brake to can't turn by hand depending on motor type for AC or DC motors.

Side Note: Older B&D electric lawn mowers actually have DC motors & when off, shorts the motor to stop for Fed Rules require a "Blade Brake."