Getrag 5-speed shifter (Page 2/2)
Frenchrafe MAY 16, 02:35 PM
The Getrag is a "notchy" gearbox when compared to modern cars. Don't expect miracles even with all the new parts. It will still feel like an 80's Porsche gear change when done!
Tallguy68 MAY 16, 04:39 PM
Good suggestion on the shifter rebuild kit. It’s on the way. I think the shifter itself is probably ok, want to grab whatever I can from Rodney while I can. His stuff is always an upgrade. Boy will he be missed when he’s gone!

As for the shorter shifter, I realized it was going to make shifting harder, which made me think about the lack of float between the gears. With shorter shifter that might be really hard to manage. The reason for the shorter shifter is to lower its profile because I’m installing a touch screen stereo and wanted easier access/visibility.

Tallguy68 MAY 16, 04:43 PM

As for still driving like an old car - well, that’s the fun!
fierofool MAY 16, 06:39 PM
I have a very short shifter in my 86 and due to good cables, I like it. Feels tighter between gates. More precise. It's a much different feel than my 87 that has a lever from an 84. It's about midway between the stock Getrag and shorty shifter. The 87 has a much more loose feel but is easier to shift.
82-T/A [At Work] MAY 16, 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Tallguy68:

As for still driving like an old car - well, that’s the fun!

Is that center console skeleton one of the printed aftermarket ones I've seen on eBay? I bought one of those (have the whole thing in a box somewhere). I haven't used it. How is it working for you? Has it been pretty rigid?
Tallguy68 MAY 16, 10:43 PM
Got mine from the Fiero store, so don’t know how it will compare with yours. Seems pretty solid, but I just put it in. Had to get it in before the stereo because the console skeleton was beyond repair. The nice thing about it is that it’s in sections so I can remove just the armrest section to install shifter cable.
fierogt28 JUN 12, 10:21 PM
There is many things that can contribute to inaccurate shifting feel on the Getrag (because this is the transmission we are referring to)
The cable is a biggie. Old, stretched, and heat damaged cables can cause this. Old cables can develop play because of wear in the cable (ball and socket) at the transmission linkage.
The shifter bushings can cause a sloppy feel, so is the selector cable bushings on the transmission. Both front and rear, Rodney has bushing rebuilt kit for this purpose.
I have all this on my 88GT.
His cables are the best available. No guess work involved.
I can’t confirm, but I don’t know if TFS cables have heat shielding on them. This is a must upon installation.

Finally, the adjustment procedure must be followed. The select cable isn’t adjusted, only the shift cable.

The getrag shift cable adjustment can be found on here if you need that info.


88 GT, Loaded, 5-speed.
88 GT, 5-speed. Beechwood interior, All original.