Crank but no start. (Page 2/2)
jjd2296 JUL 29, 06:34 PM

"DO NOT BUY ACCEL COILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I finally figured out my issue. after the car died I replaced the coil with an accel one, then swapped in a new ICM. thats where I went down a rabbit hole for the last 2 months!

turns out if I just swapped out my ICM and didn't touch anything else I would have ben back in business. The Accel coil blew a hole in the side of the coil plug which was impossible to see unless the lights were out in the garage. That's when I could see the spark arch.

No wonder when I tested everything it all came back fine, it most likely was the fact that the spark arch coming out of the coil wire was causing a low spark issue overall. I swapped in the original coil and replaced the boot on the coil wire. Bang! finally started up after I cleared the flood. It ran, I timed it, but now my fuel gauge drops down fairly fast, wasn't doing this before getting it running. checked the pump relay, its fine. looks like I might have sprung a leaky injector. Cause now when I go to start it I have to go into clear flood mood to get it to start. ug.

[This message has been edited by jjd2296 (edited 07-29-2024).]