Dew Wipe Replacement (Page 3/10)
Saxman APR 02, 11:54 PM
Perfect timing on this one. Thanks!!!
Vonov MAY 04, 09:29 AM
John, you get a big plus from me on this one...excellent writeup. I just wish I'd seen it BEFORE I went thru the massive PITA yesterday of getting the old screws out with Rodney's tool. It's a good tool, but the shaft is about 5 mm too short. If I had it to do over again (before reading this writeup) I'd be half tempted to knock out the damned glass, replace the wipes, and take it to a glass shop afterward; it's that big a pain.
Oh, and thanks for the tip on replacing the screws with hex head. It'll make putting it back together MUCH easier. (I'm in the process of painting the car; the replacement $&#%@! dew wipes will go back on once that's done.)

[This message has been edited by Vonov (edited 05-04-2006).]

tednelson83 MAY 19, 01:53 PM
i have the advantage here being that my glass was already knocked out cause some one needed my sound system more than i did. gonna do all this while its easy, than tackle the passanger side later.

right now im looking for the thread on putting in a window, i know there has to be one!

1987 Pontiac Fiero GT, 145,500 miles! decklid window, silver guages. rear ended someone, and now the rebuilding starts! saving for a norms front clip!
More pics of my 87 GT can be found here

1985 Pontiac Fiero 2m4 auto, 221K miles and counting <-my first car, and i still cant get rid of her!
2002 Toyota Celica GT, 5-speed, 42K miles <-What a hunk of crap!

A 4 year olds knowledge of science: No matter how much jello you put into a swimming pool you still can't walk on water.

[This message has been edited by tednelson83 (edited 05-19-2006).]

1986GTV8 MAY 21, 11:01 AM
I had read somewhere that if you cut slotts on the bottom of the wipes, you can slip them in with the screws started.

This would make it easier to take out down the road.

A (+) for your documentation.

buellfooll MAY 21, 11:31 AM
I might be way out of line here or missed something in the translation but I just did the drivers door on my 88 GT and had no problem at all. I'm going to do the other side as soon as I get some other parts to freshen up that side also. Except the two HUGE pop rivets that hold the window in the channel, the job was pretty much straight forward. Had to buy a new HUGE pop rivet gun for them. All I did was take the window out of the channel and then everything is right in front of God and everybody. Didn't time myself as I spent a lot of time polishing the scratches on the glass left by the previous owner when he DIDN'T change the dew wipes and upper felt guides in time. But every job, if done right, takes time. By removing the glass you can also get to all the moving parts and felts guides inside while the door is apart. And it really didn't take THAT much time. The pop rivits were the only hassle. Any body want to rent my new HUGE pop rivet gun?
jstricker MAY 21, 12:29 PM
If you follow the instructions and all you need is to change the dew wipes, you don't need to remove the pop rivets. The pop rivets are 1/4" and if you do remove them can be replaced with 1/4" machine screws, IIRC.

John Stricker

Originally posted by buellfooll:

I might be way out of line here or missed something in the translation but I just did the drivers door on my 88 GT and had no problem at all. I'm going to do the other side as soon as I get some other parts to freshen up that side also. Except the two HUGE pop rivets that hold the window in the channel, the job was pretty much straight forward. Had to buy a new HUGE pop rivet gun for them. All I did was take the window out of the channel and then everything is right in front of God and everybody. Didn't time myself as I spent a lot of time polishing the scratches on the glass left by the previous owner when he DIDN'T change the dew wipes and upper felt guides in time. But every job, if done right, takes time. By removing the glass you can also get to all the moving parts and felts guides inside while the door is apart. And it really didn't take THAT much time. The pop rivits were the only hassle. Any body want to rent my new HUGE pop rivet gun?

blazin' MAY 21, 03:08 PM
Great how-to thread jstricker. Thank you. (+)

The only problem I had was with the center screw holding the wipe in place. I just couldn't get the glass to move enough to get at it. For that I took a little driver bit and ground it down to a bit more than half a cm, than welded it to a 1/4 inch wrench that was also ground down thinner. It worked fine.
tjm4fun NOV 07, 05:00 PM
Just did it, excellant method.
One word of warning however. IF you have had a window replaced with an aftermarket one (PO did in my case) you may find that the bottom curve does not go up high enough to allow access to both the screws,
the rear one in particular.
on the other side, it was done in 20 minutes, it had the original stock glass.

Thanx jstricker for the writeup!
1986GTV8 NOV 07, 09:15 PM
Yet another Great thread!

How long does a thread stay active before being placed in the archives?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Consider this a "bump".

partsman NOV 07, 10:32 PM
great job on this thread. I would have never tried it with out your help, this thread made it very easy! Thanks again.
