Sluggish power after changing brake rotors (Page 4/4)
Jason88Notchie JUN 06, 09:29 PM

Originally posted by danahart:

Problem identified. I found out today that 3 cylinders were not firing, all on the rear side. Some online search led me to the fact that the fuel injectors have 2 fuses that can get blown. Sure enough I had a blown fuse. Replaced it and everything was perfect and back to normal. Thought I was good but the fuse blew again when I started the car up later. Old forum posts tell me that I likely have a short in the ignition harness someplace. I'm going to start a few forum topic about this if I can't find that short tomorrow and need more help. Thank you all for your willingness to try to help me.

Good sleuthing! Glad you got to the source.
danahart JUN 08, 10:45 AM
Does the EGR solenoid even have electric to it? It looks like it just has the one vacuum line to it. I thought that thing was all mechanical.

Originally posted by Patrick:

I suspect your EGR solenoid possibly isn't functioning (maybe shorted internally or otherwise).

Patrick JUN 08, 04:29 PM

Originally posted by danahart:

Does the EGR solenoid even have electric to it? It looks like it just has the one vacuum line to it. I thought that thing was all mechanical.

The EGR valve is not the EGR solenoid.

danahart JUN 09, 11:00 PM
Ok thanks for that correction. From a quick search it seems that the EGR solonoid isn't strictly necessary. Is it ok to remove or disable it temporarily to see if that solves the problem? I realize that might trigger a code but as long as the engine runs ok without the EGR solonoid for a few days I can at least know that was the issue.

Originally posted by Patrick:

The EGR valve is not the EGR solenoid.

Patrick JUN 10, 12:46 AM

Originally posted by danahart:

From a quick search it seems that the EGR solonoid isn't strictly necessary. Is it ok to remove or disable it temporarily to see if that solves the problem?

For a short time, it should be okay. Make sure to listen though for any indications of engine ping due to the EGR system not being functional. Also keep in mind that if there's a short in the EGR solenoid harness (rather than the solenoid itself), that the INJ fuse could still blow again.