Brake lights not working (Page 5/5)
Cliff Pennock DEC 18, 02:10 AM
Anyone any idea what could be causing the battery drain?
Cliff Pennock DEC 18, 07:46 AM

Y' think this might be the problem? 😯
82-T/A [At Work] DEC 18, 09:17 AM

Originally posted by Cliff Pennock:

Y' think this might be the problem? 😯

Oh no... I don't like that rust Cliff...
Cliff Pennock DEC 18, 01:36 PM
The connector is completely separated from the chassis. Oddly, fiddling with that connector doesn't make a difference in the tail lights working or not.
Patrick DEC 18, 04:00 PM

When I brightened the image up a bit, I could more easily see the corrosion. Yikes.

theogre DEC 19, 01:50 AM
That rust you see is likely just start of your rust problem. Need to pull inner fender to look @ upper frame.

Wires don't like edges of frame etc touching them. Pull C500 apart if needed to look @ bottom of wires better.
Even then rusted metal "swells" & may cut into the wires where wires go thru the body & frame farther down & very hard to see or fix.

C500 has 3 parts:
1. body section
2. engine section
3. "taillight" section that may have Cruise servo & other options.

3 is nested into 2 then both connect to 1.