Radiator Drain Plug (Page 1/2)
Pegasus88GT OCT 25, 03:50 PM
My Fiero hasn't leaked coolant since last winter when I replaced the hose connecting to the thermostat. Recently I've noticed I've been losing coolant and it's gotten to the point where it will leave a noticeable trail once warmed up. I'm in college so I don't take it on very long trips unless I'm heading home but yesterday I noticed it dripping more than usual and it was coming from the front of the car beneath the radiator. Today I was able to check the hoses and they seem snug. The plastic radiator plug in the bottom passenger side corner was my only other real suspect. I attempted to tighten it but when I did coolant started to flush out and it wouldn't tighten. I wasn't sure if it was a screw or a valve so I backed it out completely to realize it indeed was a screw. I then reinserted it and tried to tighten it but it seems stripped or something. The threads on the screw are perfect. It still seems to steadily drip when the car is running. Does anyone have any ideas? I tried to search about the radiator drain plug but didn't find much helpful. Also, the radiator is only two years old. Thanks!
Pegasus88GT OCT 25, 10:18 PM
Here's the radiator and its the plug in the bottom right hand corner

The plug when pulled out looks somewhat like this but only the stem and seal. I'm not sure if the body's in there or what's going on.

Any ideas?

[This message has been edited by Pegasus88GT (edited 10-25-2014).]

olejoedad OCT 26, 06:25 AM
Replacement plugs are available at your favorite auto parts store.....
fierofool OCT 26, 07:26 AM
The body can be replaced. It's designed that way so that the radiator doesn't get damaged. Grab and squeeze with a pair of needle nose pliers and pull it out. It's recessed almost to the square hole in your diagram. Once you've compressed and pulled it out about 3/8 inch, you can grasp and squeeze it with your fingers to get it completely out.
Pegasus88GT OCT 26, 08:57 AM
So you guys are guessing the body just got damaged and the screw just isn't threading into it correctly? I appreciate the feedback.
Lou6t4gto OCT 26, 12:02 PM
Isn't there an "O" ring on the screw in valve ?
fierofool OCT 26, 01:56 PM
I don't have a spare one to check, but I think the only thing is the flat rubber washer seal. I don't believe there's an O-ring on the stem. Pegasus, if the threads on the stem aren't stripped, be sure the base is fully inserted into the radiator. It must be fully inserted in order for the seal to be captured between the stem cap and the sealing surface inside the radiator.

[This message has been edited by fierofool (edited 10-26-2014).]

Pegasus88GT OCT 26, 05:12 PM
Thanks for the replies! It was hard to diagnose in the parking lot with just a socket set but I think I may try to get it home this weekend to get underneath of it and check it out. I thought I pushed it in pretty hard but may not have. If I need a new plug has anyone seen this type before. All the ones I find for the Fiero don't look like the one I have.
fierofool OCT 26, 07:35 PM
If you find that the stem is good and you only need the body, let me know. I'll send one to you. Email or pm me.
Pegasus88GT OCT 26, 08:38 PM

Originally posted by fierofool:

If you find that the stem is good and you only need the body, let me know. I'll send one to you. Email or pm me.

Thank you! I'll let you know what I find out.