Complete shut down of electrical system! (Page 1/3)
Kitskaboodle FEB 01, 10:23 PM
85 GT Auto
Got in my car after work today (just drove it to work this morning) turned the key to start the car but got nothing. No dash/idiot lights , no headlights, no power windows, nothing. Absolutely no power at all. Car is completely dead. Car was driving fine. Never had a problem like this ever.
Since it’s an auto, I moved the ignition switch forward so that I could move the shift linkage back and forth but no luck.
Battery is in very good shape, didn’t leave any lights on, etc.

Any ideas what could cause this condition?
I will be bringing an ohmmeter, test leads and a flashlight to work. (it’s sitting in front of our bldg.)

Anything else I should bring? What should I test / check out? And yes, I have AAA but I want to see if I can find out the problem before giving up and calling for a tow.
Thanks, Kit
skywurz FEB 01, 11:00 PM
Typically this happens to me its a bad terminal connection. Pull the terminals clean.


Also find the other end of the negative cable that is bolted to the engine and clean that up too and make sure the grounding strap going from there to the chassis is not broken and connection is clean.

[This message has been edited by skywurz (edited 02-01-2021).]

Kitskaboodle FEB 01, 11:40 PM
Yes, I will check the grounds, battery terminals and voltage.
Just remembered that I really need to check the terminal box which is near the old battery location. (Both of my Fiero’s have the relocated battery in the front)
Thanks, Kit
skywurz FEB 01, 11:48 PM
Oh! well thats some good added info.... good luck!!!
olejoedad FEB 02, 08:25 AM
There are two fusible links at the Battery Junction Terminal below the C500.

One wilkes power to the fuse box, the other to the headlights.

I would check that area.

Odd that both would go at the same time, could be a problem with the BJT (corrosion, loose wires)

Good luck and report back what you find.
fierosound FEB 02, 11:43 AM
Hard to believe, but the entire car is powered by the smaller wire off the positive battery cable to the battery junction terminal.
That distributes all power to all circuits including headlights. The main positive cable goes straight to the starter.

I've had the same problem. Check for rust or breaks in the wires here.
(note: 84's don't have this - all fusible links are connected at the starter)

You may need a new one.

My World of Wheels Winners (Click on links below)

3.4L Supercharged 87 GT and Super Duty 4 Indy #163

[This message has been edited by fierosound (edited 02-02-2021).]

cvxjet FEB 02, 11:53 AM
You state that the Battery is good....But that you need to bring a Ohmmeter, etc...Have you checked the battery for actual power? If I remember correctly, you have switched your Fieros to the 87-88 HL motor system.....My Battery got drained twice by one of the HL motors running at night- started AFTER I left the garage.
Kitskaboodle FEB 02, 04:24 PM
Fierosound....You and I are on the same wavelength. I strongly suspect the C500 box junction as it has been raining quite a bit lately, my car is always outside and since I removed my vent cover screens a long time ago, it makes it even easier for water to get at that connector. And, the C500 plug box is all wet. I’m thinking water got in there and blew out one of the fusible links.
Speaking of fusible links, a simple continuity test will show if it’s blown?

CvxJet, yes you remember correctly. Both of my Fiero’s have relocated batteries up front and upgraded gen 2 motors. First thing I checked last night when the car was dead to see if the motors were hot. They were not.
Thanks, Kit
Gall757 FEB 02, 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Kitskaboodle:

I removed my vent cover screens a long time ago, it makes it even easier for water to get at that connector.

California weather lets you get away with that......until it doesn't.

Kitskaboodle FEB 02, 11:29 PM
Ok, I have a bunch of questions but first let me say that I called Winchester Auto Parts and I asked them about fusible links. They have two types and they are sold by wire color and they are sold on a roll. They stock the two most common sizes. (but since they just remodeled the store they can only find one type which is 12 gauge / blue color.

Question #1 A simple continuity test on both sides of the fusible link black plug splice is all I need to do to determine if it’s blown?

Question # 2 I am going to assume it’s one of the two battery wire fusible links. If it is, I would need a red color fusible link? Or just substitute/ put in a 10 gauge fusible link? (whatever color 10 gauge is)

Question #3 If fusible link comes on a roll, it doesn’t matter then how much or how little I splice in to the blown link?

Sorry, I know very little about fusible links and I need a lot of guidance.


[This message has been edited by Kitskaboodle (edited 02-02-2021).]