Clutch pedal stop? (Page 1/2)
ninedriver FEB 03, 03:01 PM
So my clutch pedal sits even with my brake pedal and has to be all the way to the floor to fully disengage the clutch. I’ve read numerous threads about bent pedal bracket and how to resolve either by rodneys adjustable banjo bolt or by reshaping the bracket or both.

My pedal bracket doesn’t appear to be bent but I’ve also read where others have said the same thing only to remove it and found it was bent. Before going down that road I’m leaning towards the adjustable banjo bolt.

However, I disconnected my banjo bolt and pulled the pedal back and it stops at about a half an inch above the brake pedal instead of the required one inch. The upward travel, hard stop, is limited by the cruise disconnect switch. There is still a gap between the pedal bracket and the fixed switchplate bracket.

So, what should be the physical upward hard stop? The cruise disconnect switch is adjustable and by bringing it out, it would allow the pedal more upward travel. Not sure if I’d then have to adjust the clutch safety switch as well? Basically, once everything is adjusted properly, what should limit the pedal upward movement allowing it to sit one inch above the brake pedal and is rodneys adjustable banjo the way to go?

Patrick FEB 03, 04:34 PM

If your clutch hydraulic system has been bled, and your clutch still barely disengages with the clutch pedal to the floor.... then yes, you want as much clutch pedal travel as you can muster.

Rodney's adjustable banjo is great, but it's also also pretty easy to modify a factory one to be adjustable.
olejoedad FEB 03, 07:28 PM
Is the banjo bolt installed with the loop up?
imacflier FEB 05, 02:09 PM
You might want to read about my adventures with a clutch pedal which would not rise fully:


olejoedad FEB 05, 08:54 PM

[This message has been edited by olejoedad (edited 02-05-2021).]

ninedriver FEB 06, 02:35 PM
Ok, got some time to crawl back under there.

OleJoe, the banjo bolt is in the correct orientation but still may be an issue? More on that in a bit.

Larry, after reading your post it appears to be exactly what I’m dealing with...kind of. My upward travel of the clutch pedal appeared to be limited by the cruise disconnect switch as shown in my picture. I disconnected the banjo bolt from the pedal and backed the cruise switch out enough to allow the clutch pedal to travel further aft/up so it will be one inch above the brake pedal. Great, until I went to put the banjo bolt back on and it won’t reach. It appears when the banjo bolt is fully extended it only reaches far enough to allow the clutch pedal to be even with the brake pedal. So the banjo bolt is basically the “stop” or limiting factor (joe you may have eluded to that) and the switch must have been adjusted to accommodate it.

So, at first thought, an adjustable banjo bolt should solve the problem. In fact, I’m not sure if the clutch master cylinder/ banjo bolt was ever replaced and perhaps the new banjo bolt was too short?
However, one concern that comes to mind, is if I use an adjustable banjo bolt (longer), Wouldn’t I also be increasing the stroke of the master cylinder? That may be ok and what I need, but can I run the risk of getting too long of a stroke and end up hyper extending the hydraulic throw out bearing?

Lots of moving parts here and I just don’t want to make it worse.

And here’s a pic of my master cylinder. Maybe someone can identify it as stock or aftermarket.

Patrick FEB 06, 03:38 PM

Originally posted by ninedriver:

...can I run the risk of getting too long of a stroke and end up hyper extending the hydraulic throw out bearing?

Say what?

ninedriver FEB 06, 03:59 PM
In researching this problem I came across some threads where guys were damaging their pressure plate / clutch because their HTOB was over-engaging?. Apparently they had to use washers to shim out the clutch master cylinder from its mounting location. Maybe I’m confusing apples with oranges, idk.

My thinking is, if I use an adjustable (longer) banjo bolt, it will allow for a longer piston stroke within the clutch master cylinder which will translate to longer movement on the slave cylinder and HTOB. Unless, maybe, regardless of the banjo bolt length the piston would bottom out (stop) when it reaches the maximum travel inside the master that occurring now or will a longer bolt indeed add more stroke?

Again, something doesn’t seem right with my set up, but I don’t want to make things worse.
Patrick FEB 06, 05:32 PM

Originally posted by ninedriver:

In researching this problem I came across some threads where guys were damaging their pressure plate / clutch because their HTOB was over-engaging?

Do you have a non-factory clutch/transmission installed? Fieros did not come with HTOB.
ninedriver FEB 06, 05:47 PM
A ha... I do not. Mine is original. I must have been confusing that with some threads where guys have performed swaps. Again, I’ve been trying to read everything on clutch pedal positions. Thanks for clarifying that!

So, will I encounter any problems by lengthening my banjo bolt?