My radio bezel is warped, and I have been looking for a fix. Any ideas? (Page 1/1)
Saggy FEB 05, 11:29 PM
The radio bezel is pushing out quite a bit in the center, and it doesn't look very nice. I noticed it when I installed a new stereo system, and it look like it's just getting worse each time I take it off. I've looked around for a replacement, and I can't find a reasonably priced one. I'm working on designing one to 3D print, but I would prefer to repair the one I already have. Does anyone have any good ideas to fix this?
dremu FEB 06, 11:44 AM
They show up on fleabay every now and again. OTOH, if you are willing to print, you can remix mine back to stock (it's made for moving the climate controls down and the stereo up, but would be easy enough to fiddle with the OpenSCAD)

-- A
OH10fiero FEB 06, 01:53 PM
The fix I have used with success was to remove the vent pieces from the section and place it in a container where it fully fits laying flat face down, or as flat as the warped piece can. then I would boil a large pot of water and once the water reaches a boil add the water to the container with center section and wait a few minutes and then add whatever I could that had weight to it that would not crush the part and let it sit until the water had cooled off to where it was no longer warm.
The hot water will soften the plastic and weight will help flatten the part out and once the water cools it will now retain the flatten shape.
Best to have a plan on what you will be using for weight and how you will place the weight on the center section so you are not trying to figure things out as you add them as it will speed the process up. also once the weight is added it will absorb the heat from the water since it will be room temp so hold back a bit of water to keep the temp where it needs to be to make this work.
oneinch FEB 06, 06:44 PM
I second the hot water method. Slow even heat.

'88 Formula, red on gray

Saggy FEB 07, 01:43 AM
I tried this out, and it worked great. I put it in a pan, and used some mugs full of water the weigh it down. I also put some spoons under the center to help push it out. I poured some boiling water in, and repeated the process four times. Thanks for the help, it's not perfect, but i'm very happy with the results.
LornesGT FEB 08, 11:21 PM
Thanks for making this, I have a quite a bit of tweaking but none the less it is a great start. Trouble with the printer (updated with a ramps board) and much to learn about C programming.

Originally posted by dremu:

They show up on fleabay every now and again. OTOH, if you are willing to print, you can remix mine back to stock (it's made for moving the climate controls down and the stereo up, but would be easy enough to fiddle with the OpenSCAD)

-- A

skywurz FEB 08, 11:52 PM
Updated to a ramps..
dremu FEB 09, 10:39 AM

Originally posted by LornesGT:Thanks for making this, I have a quite a bit of tweaking

The joy of open source, err, parts. Don't like it? Want it different? No problem!

Well, as you say, other than 1. having to learn OpenSCAD and 2. sort out what the original designer (me) was thinking.

That one is a bit gnarly for a coupla reasons. It had to be split into two pieces to fit into the printer, so that's why the tabs at the center to align and strengthen the junction. Then I really wanted it to look like the original, so there's the two layers so the edge looks "routed" like stock.

-- A
LornesGT FEB 10, 12:35 AM
Tweaking to my new dash style, well eventually. Planning on moving stuff around like the vents, radio, air controls and hopefully a cup holder.

Ramps is a replacement board that allows people to repair there crapped out board in their 3d printer that has burned out. It takes learning coding somewhat or at least search the web and finding tid bits of information to make it work. The Melvin program starts out generic for a few printers and has to be customized to the printer that is getting “upgraded “.