radiator fan switch (Page 1/2)
sledcaddie APR 29, 01:24 PM
1988 Fiero GT, 2.8L, 5 speed, 12K mileage. Even when starting engine cold, the radiator fan runs, and continues to run. (No, the A/C isn't on.) Doesn't Rodney offer fan switches with different temperatures? I believe that OEM switch is set to turn on fan at 210 degrees. Most Fiero owners believe this to be too high? What temperature switches do most of you run? What is the optimal engine operating temperature? Thanks for all who input.
Patrick APR 29, 01:42 PM

Originally posted by sledcaddie:

I believe that OEM switch is set to turn on fan at 210 degrees.

The factory fan switch turns on at 235°F.

I've found that Rodney's 210° on and 200° off fan switch works great.

If your fan is on all the time, the wiring has probably been hacked, and the fan circuit is being grounded continuously.
olejoedad APR 29, 02:31 PM
Or the fan relay is stuck in the 'ON' position.
sledcaddie APR 29, 06:03 PM
So, where is the fan relay?

Hmmm, as far as the wiring being hacked; this car has an alarm system installed.

Is there a way to check the fan switch with a multimeter to see if it is reading properly? I don't want to replace it if not needed.
fierofool APR 29, 06:53 PM
Yes, there is a way to check the fan switch for accuracy. Remove it and use this chart and a multimeter.
sledcaddie APR 30, 01:48 PM
Replaced the relay, and it still runs. I'm thinking that if the fan switch that is screwed into the block was bad, the fan would never come on? I'll get a new switch from Rodney. I was going to flush the cooking system anyway.

I'm leery about the possibility that the wiring was 'hacked' somehow when the previous owner installed a security alarm. That me be my next option, is to trace the wiring from the alarm to see what was tapped into.
Patrick APR 30, 03:25 PM

Originally posted by sledcaddie:

I was going to flush the cooking system anyway.

Running a little hot?

Originally posted by sledcaddie:

I'm thinking that if the fan switch that is screwed into the block was bad, the fan would never come on? ...my next option, is to trace the wiring from the alarm to see what was tapped into.

Have you tried simply disconnecting the one wire that goes to the fan switch? If the fan still runs, then the switch is probably okay (although it wouldn't hurt to use Rodney's switch once this issue is resolved).

The wiring "hack" I was referring to would have nothing to do with the alarm system. It was a pretty common modification mentioned here many times over the years to ground one of the wires from the fan relay (I don't recall which one) and to put a on/off switch in the circuit for manual control of the fan. It's possible your fan circuit has been grounded with no switch wired in.
sledcaddie APR 30, 04:31 PM
No, Patrick, it is not running hot. On the contrary, with the fan running all the time, it barely warms up. I was just going to flush the system as part of maintenance before the driving season.

When looking at the relay, in front of the headlight, it doesn't appear that any modifications have been done, like what you suggested with an auxiliary switch. I will try just pulling the wire off of the fan switch, and see if the fan shuts off. Regardless, I ordered the 200/210 switch from Rodney. I had previously done that on my 85 SE.
Patrick APR 30, 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Patrick:

Running a little hot?

Originally posted by sledcaddie:

No, Patrick, it is not running hot. On the contrary...

Umm... I think you missed your typo that I had highlighted.

Originally posted by sledcaddie:

I was going to flush the cooking system anyway.

Most "cooking" systems get rather hot.

Originally posted by sledcaddie:

...with the fan running all the time, it barely warms up.

If your engine is not warming up properly... the thermostat has probably been removed or it's stuck open (or it's been replaced with a lower temperature unit). The fan running continuously would make no difference to the warm up period if the factory 195° thermostat was installed and functional.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 04-30-2021).]

sledcaddie MAY 02, 06:32 PM
Thanks, Patrick. I'll check to see if the thermostat is there.

Yeah, the 'cooking' system should have been the COOLING system. Good catch.

[This message has been edited by sledcaddie (edited 05-02-2021).]