86 V6 4-Speed Slave Removal (Page 1/2)
Skybax JUL 27, 09:31 PM
I replaced the slave cylinder on my 88 GT about 15 years ago with no problem, but I'm looking for some guidance on replacing the slave cylinder on my 86 GT, because I'm staring at this thing and can't remember/figure out how it unbolts! How do you get to the closer nut under the heat shield, or how do you get the heat shield off?

Sigh, is this what happens as you get older, because after working on cars for 36 years and replacing one of these slave cylinders 15 years ago, I shouldn't be scratching my head on this, lol.

[This message has been edited by Skybax (edited 07-27-2021).]

fierofool JUL 27, 10:07 PM
That shield does present a problem on the 4-speed. Try to get the forward nut loose. From the front side, you can usually get to it with a wrench. That part of the shield is usually slotted. The one nearest in the photo will require a deepwell socket and maybe a flex head ratchet.
fierofool JUL 27, 10:08 PM
Something you might want to consider once you have the slave off is to purchase Rodney Dickman's 4-speed slave bracket. The factory aluminum is prone to breaking. And while you're at it, order Rodney's slave, too.
Skybax JUL 27, 10:57 PM
Thanks, I already ordered Rodney's, but I didn't know he had a upgraded better bracket or I would have ordered that also, dang.

[This message has been edited by Skybax (edited 07-27-2021).]

PK JUL 28, 06:45 AM
I was wondering why I didn't have a problem when doing my slave cyl years ago. 86 V6)..ahh I didn't know there was supposed to be a heat shield there. ¯\_ʘ‿ʘ_/¯

Guess that's another part I need to find somewhere.

Good luck with yours Skybax.
Skybax JUL 28, 10:59 AM
I ordered Rodney's master and slave, and I'm familiar with all the different bleeding techniques over the decades, so below is my plan of action and have a few questions...

- remove both master and slave
- spray brake cleaner thru line and blow out with air
- bench bleed master and install (bench bleed on bench or on the car?)
- install banjo facing up onto a non-bent pedal and adjust any slack if needed
- install line on slave with Rodney's one-way speed bleeder but don't bolt it to trans
- (before I start to bleed line/slave should the master be relaxed or compressed?)
- compress slave rod downward, drawing fluid thru system, with bleeder facing upward
- do this twice, refill master, again and again until its all fluid coming out
- remove one-way speed bleeder, compress slave rod and hold, while installing/tighten permanent bleeder
- bolt the slave onto the trans
- hopefully happy shifting!

[This message has been edited by Skybax (edited 07-28-2021).]

pmbrunelle JUL 28, 12:48 PM
Rodney's slave has threaded holes for the studs, and the studs are kept from turning with threadlocker.

I suggest unscrewing the studs, and using long-ish bolts inserted through the bracket, threaded into the slave cylinder to fix it into place.

Then, slip the heat shield onto the excess bolt length that sticks out beyond the slave cylinder.

Secure the heat shield using nuts.

I have a different heat shield as I have a modified exhaust, but I think the same idea would work with a stock heat shield. It would solve the apparent assembly issue.
fierofool JUL 28, 07:46 PM
That looks like a Getrag slave. Is it? The 4-speed Rodney mount I have looks nothing like that. For the heat shield, I simply clip the flange so that rather than having a hole, it becomes a slot that can be slipped down over the studs just before doing the final tightening.

[This message has been edited by fierofool (edited 07-28-2021).]

pmbrunelle JUL 28, 08:03 PM
That's a cast iron Rockauto slave cylinder for the Muncie 4-speed. I did wise up and buy a Rodney Dickman slave afterwards, which is made of aluminium.

The mounting bracket is the stock aluminium bracket that comes on Muncie 4-speed Fieros. Rodney Dickman makes his mounting bracket from pieces of steel welded together.
Skybax JUL 28, 08:14 PM
Two question that I'm not sure about...

- bench bleed master on the bench or bolted on the car? (or not at all)
- when I draw fluid thru line to slave should the master be relaxed or compressed?