Spark issue (Page 1/1)
NightMare Cruiser OCT 03, 09:42 AM
Our 1987 gt has been running rough. Yesterday I seen that the wires were shorting out against the block. Wires look good no splits, cuts or burns. Today I took it for a drive and it ran a bit better. Still the rpm’s jump around. Tonight I checked out the wires in the dark. They were flashing and the coil had some small flashes also. I didn't see any shorts. That was just at idle and not under acceleration. Guess time for new wires and I'll switch out the coil, I think I have a spare.

Idle when driving bounces around. I can’t post videos on here. I do have videos.
Patrick OCT 03, 02:44 PM

Originally posted by NightMare Cruiser:

I can’t post videos on here. I do have videos.

Why not? Upload them to YouTube and link to them here.

NightMare Cruiser OCT 03, 04:48 PM
Here’s a link to the one video::