Is there a source to purchase Fiero mating ALDL connectors? (Page 1/1)
Romsk JUL 27, 07:10 PM
Version 1.6.0 of my free ALDL tool is almost complete. It will be posted soon on I just need to document the special adapter for it that will cost about $20 USD to make.

I am tired of sticking wires into the ALDL socket, it works but that is flimsy.

Does anybody know where the male mate to the Fiero's female ALDL connector can be purchased?


Paul Romsky

[This message has been edited by Romsk (edited 07-27-2022).]

Spoon JUL 27, 07:18 PM
For $12 you can buy this on Amazon and cut the end off that you don't need. Splice from there.

Go to amazon and type this: obd1 connector

"Kilgore Trout once wrote a short story which was a dialogue between two pieces of yeast. They were discussing the possible purposes of life as they ate sugar and suffocated in their own excrement. Because of their limited intelligence, they never came close to guessing that they were making champagne." - Kurt Vonnegut

[This message has been edited by Spoon (edited 07-27-2022).]

Romsk JUL 27, 08:32 PM
Thanks! I will add that info to my adapter documentation. I found one for $9.

Paul Romsky

ArthurPeale JUL 28, 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Romsk:

Thanks! I will add that info to my adapter documentation. I found one for $9.

Source for the $9 version?

edit: Amazon has them for even less than that, now that I look. Wow!

[This message has been edited by ArthurPeale (edited 07-28-2022).]

Romsk JUL 28, 05:55 PM
This is the one I liked
phonedawgz JUL 30, 05:18 PM
You have a one in three chance of getting a connector with pins you need populated with wires. Hit me up if you need a few and I can sell you them. $10 ea plus shipping.

I'll sell you a whole bunch of them with needed pins unpopulated for less.

btw, I do make and sell ALDL to USB cables - I designed my own SMD boards, have them made, populate them and then assemble them into the cables.

[This message has been edited by phonedawgz (edited 07-30-2022).]

Romsk JUL 31, 07:14 PM

I didn't order it yet. Thanks for the info. If it turns out to be a dud, I will get back to you. The photo shows 12 pins, but true, who knows what they wired to the OBD2 end that I will be cutting off. I hope it has a wire on all 12 pins because I plan to modify my Fiero's ALDL connector: adding the SES signal, the Shift signal, and my own 19200 baud interface to provide: Oil Pressure, Fuel Level, Transmission Gear/Neutral, Brake Pedal Travel, Clutch Pedal Travel, and the dashboard Brake indicator. I will be using an Arduno UNO for that buried under the arm rest.
For this I need ALDL Connector pins:
A Ground
B Diag Mode Select
D SES Signal (not wired on the Fieros)
E 160 Baud Data
F Shift Signal
G Fuel Pump Power
L My Custom Status Extension 19200 Baud interface (usually a no connect pin)

My custom adapter is based on the Adafruit Trinket M0 and will handle all these pins from my Fiero GT ALDL Monitor GUI that I made. It will have a plug in wire for the Fuel Pump Power. One end plugs into the adapter and the other clips on to the battery +. It has a switch so I can stand at the engine and turn the Fuel Pump On/Off to diagnose fuel issues.

Version 1.6.0 will be posted tomorrow, but got to my Fiero page and you can see screen shots on Version 1.5.0 (which never worked too well)


Paul Romsky

IMSA GT JUL 31, 08:00 PM
phonedawgz, remove the period after your .com in your link.