How to replace inner window pads (Page 1/1)
John W. Tilford AUG 31, 07:34 PM
1988 GT. I have the driver side door inner panel and outer skin off while replacing the dew wipes. I can clearly see the two inner pads with their slide adjustment, but I don't see how to replace them. The "body" which curves into each pad is under the metal top and inside of the door frame. The 10mm hex head screw passes down through the top of the door frame in into the thread "body". I can't feel any way to reach inside.

Can't find anything online - seems all the how-to information is for the inner and outer dew wipes.

'Must be missing something . .

John W. Tilford

Notorio AUG 31, 07:45 PM
John, are you Back from adventures with other cars or am I confusing you with someone else?

Sounds like you have to take the window out, but someone who knows will chime in shortly...
John W. Tilford SEP 01, 12:07 PM
Found the information in the Ogre's Cave under a complete door disassembly guide.

[This message has been edited by John W. Tilford (edited 09-01-2022).]

John W. Tilford SEP 01, 01:18 PM
I just checked. My window glass is still in the door. With glass up I can get a grip on the inner pads and move them out a little but there's not enough room to rotate them free. With glass down I definitely can't. Restated: taking out the window glass appears to be a requirement for removing the old and installing new inner pads. During these attempts one pad and adjustable metal pad holder dropped down inside the-forget-about-it upper door. I was able to retrieve it with a coat hanger, move it back into place, and now have both probably original inner pads in their positions loosely held by their 10mm hex head screws. Neither of the current inner pads looked bad enough to require replacing so I won't. Not worth the trouble of taking out the glass. The outer dew wipe was easier and those were the pads which were scraping the glass.

[This message has been edited by John W. Tilford (edited 09-01-2022).]

theogre SEP 01, 02:43 PM
Remove the inner pads require removing the glass.

Most Often the Inner pads don't wear out. Not on most cars anyway.
In Fiero... Doesn't touch the glass except at top, bottom or both. (Can't remember right now.)

Just make sure you clean any crap stuck to them.
"wearing out" can happen like if kids etc put crap on the glass and not cleaned before window is lowered.
Then the crap holds dirt or rots the pad material.

Even when you replace outer pads and dew wipes... outer pad need to be check for crap attaching there. How often depend where you parked etc. Example: Park under trees can have pine sap etc running down the glass and getting at the outer pads in turn holding dirt and/or "eats" the pads.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
(Jurassic Park)

The Ogre's Fiero Cave