Steering column issue (Page 1/3)
1985 Fiero GT JUL 11, 10:04 PM
I know many fields have issues with loose steering column, but I have a different issue that I have not been able to find any information about, the tilt mechanism is broken or worn down in some way that causes it to small out of its shot and go all of the way down when weight is applied downwards, for example, when I got out of my car the first time, I had my right hand in the steering wheel, left elbow in the seat back to body myself out of the car, as I was doing that, the steering wheel snapped right down, all the way. It is obvious that the previous owner did that a lot, as he was about 5'10", and there was also a decent sized hole in the seat fabric right where his elbow would have been. I have since adjusted my exit strategy to not include pulling on the steering wheel, but I have still done that numerous times, as well as once during a tight 4 point u-turn, it isn't getting any worse, and under 99.9% of normal driving it never pops out, but I would like to get that repaired if possible, what would be needed to fix that, what parts, and how hard would it be. Thanks.
buddycraigg JUL 11, 10:33 PM
If I am seeing the guts of the steering column in my head correctly. You are just going to have to get a new column.

In the mean time.
there is a special way of getting in and out.
When getting in, your left hand grabs up high on the out side of the A pillar, and you do a controlled fall in to the seat. (making sure to stay away from the bolster)
Getting out, your left hand goes to the bottom of the door jam, and you kinda roll out of the car.

This was taught to me by a 6'4" 300 pound guy and it seems to work the best.
1985 Fiero GT JUL 11, 10:40 PM
Yeah, I am 6', 17 years old and only 140lbs, so I am able to sort of fall right in and hop out without much use of my arms, I also switched the seat back covers so that I am going over fabric that has been protected for 38 years, so it should last a while before I need to fully replace both of the seat's fabric.
theogre JUL 11, 11:16 PM
⚠️ Warning: Steering Wheel and Column are NOT a "Handle" to get in or out of the car.

Also "Hates" people that Pull Down to Turn the car.

So Likely Nothing is Wrong w/ Tilt Mech.
Because Nearly All Column parts are "Weak" to stop:
Column pushed into You.
You Hitting the S-wheel.
Both causing often Flail Chest injury or just kills you in a wreck...

Tilt parts "self center" a load when you hit the S-wheel top or bottom first in a wreck.

This is Why "The Club" and others to lock a S-wheel is a joke to many thieves. Can cut the S-wheel by hand tools in seconds to remove them.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
(Jurassic Park)

The Ogre's Fiero Cave

1985 Fiero GT JUL 11, 11:21 PM
Haha yeah, I'm learning, it is most certainly more weak then others, as my dad's Fiero has no problems like mine, and he does use the steering wheel as a handle (or rather did until he saw that mine didn't like that haha) also the one time it popped out while I was doing a u-turn was right after driving an '89 Cutlass Ciera for a while, and the turn was somewhat rushed, normally I don't pull down to turn.
1985 Fiero GT JUL 11, 11:27 PM
I didn't think of this before, but it is too the point that it pops out for everyone else who tries to get out of the car not specifically using the wheel as a handle to pull themselves up, but even just from holding it with one hand as they are getting out, kindof subconsciously, except for people who have been in it before and know of that quirk.
theogre JUL 12, 01:14 AM
Some Columns are "Better" then others for many reasons from the factory but Not made to be a "Handle."
Other drivers don't load them and got lucky never had this problem.

Most of loose bolts problem is also Driver Abuse. Use as "handle" &/or allowing Tilt Mech to Slam to top. Both bends the column tube and "nut" then 4 bolts get loose.
1985 Fiero GT AUG 15, 05:05 PM
I was browsing on Rock auto, and found this.
Would that fix my issue? If not what is it for. I see there is some form of gear system included, would that be for the tilt mechanism or something else, perhaps the steering wheel lock?
Spoon AUG 15, 09:44 PM

Originally posted by 1985 Fiero GT:

I was browsing on Rock auto, and found this.
Would that fix my issue? If not what is it for. I see there is some form of gear system included, would that be for the tilt mechanism or something else, perhaps the steering wheel lock?

Those parts appear to be replacement parts for your column after a thief steals or tries to steal your car.
GM columns seem to be the worse for working loose. My first experience was with a 77 Cadillac and I had the dealer fix it. 85 Trans Am, I fix it. 86 Fiero I fixed it. I never had issues with Ford & Chrysler units. I believe non power steering cars get more stress on the column versus power steering due to the effort required to turn the steering wheel.


"Kilgore Trout once wrote a short story which was a dialogue between two pieces of yeast. They were discussing the possible purposes of life as they ate sugar and suffocated in their own excrement. Because of their limited intelligence, they never came close to guessing that they were making champagne." - Kurt Vonnegut

theogre AUG 15, 11:00 PM
Spoon is about right... Can be use for thieves breaking upper section. Upper section can wear bad for many people too.
"Gears" are I-key lock to push/pull the I-switch etc. See Cave.

Won't help you "4 bolt loose" problem and more.

Non-PS does put a bigger load on the column to turn the wheels when not moving the car.
Try to turn while moving just a few Inches per second can help whenever possible.

[This message has been edited by theogre (edited 08-15-2023).]