Rear Brake Rebuild (Page 1/1)
BruhMans06 FEB 04, 11:18 AM
I've been trying to rebuild the rear calipers on my 84 2m4 but ni cant seem to find the seals for them online.

I cant buy whole new calipers since its gonna cost well over $200 to replace both, and the calipers and cylinders are in good shape so I dont evenneed to replace them anyway.
since I couldnt find the right seals for the rear calipers, i opted with the front seals, hoping they would fit. guess what, only some of the seals did. The main seel that goes over thetop of the cylinder is too small for the bore and now I dont know what to do. Ive searched everywhere online to find soe rear seals and cant find any, even rock auto doesnt seem to have them.


thanks much

James Bird

Certified Idiot

[This message has been edited by BruhMans06 (edited 02-04-2024).]

Larryinkc FEB 04, 11:56 AM
The Fiero Store shows them in their online catalog.
Mike in Sydney FEB 04, 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Larryinkc:

The Fiero Store shows them in their online catalog.

Also, RockAuto & Summit Racing.