Obsolete "Perfect Power SMT 5" Smart Tuner. Anyone have any info? (Page 1/1)
Raydar FEB 06, 06:38 PM
A few weeks ago, I posted about an 85 GT project that I was "gifted with". Since this is a specific issue, I decided to start a new thread, which I will link to later on.

I mentioned that it had a piggyback ECM tuner, but I didn't have any other info at that point.
I finally got into the car and got my hands on the piggyback unit.
It's - as I posted in the title - a Perfect Power SMT 5 Smart Tuner.
The original manufacturer/webpage www.perfectpower.com seems to be long gone. There is nothing useful at any of the links returned by a search. Mostly other people, on other forums, asking for info as well. But apparently there is a Windows app disk, and a cable that was used to read and program this thing.

My original plan was to ditch this, but if it still works and is still useful, I may try to utilize it, and not reinvent the wheel.
Does anyone have any programming info, cables, wiring diagrams, pinouts, anecdotes/stories, magic pixie dust, or anything else that may be useful?

At this point, I'd even be happy if I could verify whether the RAM in this thing was volatile or non-volatile. (I thought it was volatile, but that just doesn't make sense, for an automotive application. So, maybe not.)

As always, any assistance is very much appreciated.

IMSA GT FEB 06, 07:14 PM
I don't know if this is any help but here is the pinout and wire colors for their SMT-6 unit. I don't know if it's the same.

[This message has been edited by IMSA GT (edited 02-06-2024).]

Raydar FEB 06, 07:45 PM

Originally posted by IMSA GT:

I don't know if this is any help but here is the pinout and wire colors for their SMT-6 unit. I don't know if it's the same.

Holy smokes! It looks like the same connector. I'll have to check wire colors to verify, but it sure looks like it.
As I understand it the SMT6 is similar, but used USB programming.

1985 Fiero GT FEB 06, 10:04 PM
I put the link into the Wayback machine, and they have a ton of versions of their website archived, check on there, I don't know if any files are archived, but all their webpages are, and you can browse it like normal, just as it was when it was archived.