86 fiero gt auto Engine (Page 1/1)
Fieroboy_86 FEB 22, 03:10 PM
howdy yall i have an important question. i dont know why my 86 fiero gt auto starting smoking out of the exhaust. im trying to nail it down. i dont know. the engine still runs normal but heavy white smoke blasts out of the exhaust on start up n when i hit the gas Accelerate. would that head gaskets or sumthing else.

Joshua M Leonard

Patrick FEB 22, 03:49 PM
If it's white smoke (not blue or black), and it only lasts for a few minutes, it's just steam from condensation inside the muffler/exhaust system being evaporated.

If it blasts out white smoke continuously (never stops), then conceivably it could be a failed head gasket.

[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 02-22-2024).]

Fieroboy_86 FEB 22, 04:24 PM
it just started doing it a few days ago. i have driven this car n nothing was happening. then all of sudden. me n my wife was going to the movie 3 lights up from house. white smoke every where

Joshua M Leonard

82-T/A [At Work] FEB 22, 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Fieroboy_86:

it just started doing it a few days ago. i have driven this car n nothing was happening. then all of sudden. me n my wife was going to the movie 3 lights up from house. white smoke every where.

Yeah, like Patrick said... that sounds like a blown headgasket, where the coolant is dumping into the combustion chamber and burning off. Make sure you check your coolant level in the front... see if it's been going down (or possibly even empty). With the type of white smoke you mention, it's likely burned off a lot of coolant.

As of right now, it's easily saveable, but you'll have to have someone change out the head gaskets. If you wait too long and it overheats... you run the risk of wiping out a main bearing and will have to rebuild the engine.
theogre FEB 22, 08:04 PM
White "smoke" Could be head gasket... Or TB &/or intake manifold problem(s) leaking coolant internally then 1 or more cyls "burning" it.

on top of whatever causing that, the catalyst & O2 sensor will die fast w/ coolant poison.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
(Jurassic Park)

The Ogre's Fiero Cave

[This message has been edited by theogre (edited 02-23-2024).]

Stingray92 FEB 22, 08:21 PM
Black smoke = not enough O2 likely fixable
Blue smoke = oil - fixable
White/Grey @ start/cold ok if persistent 30 minutes + start looking at coolant levels.
Heavy white smoke - fixable but! sounds like what others have already said, catch it early & fix it early. Check the oil, if it's not normal color/odor you're probably going to be looking at bigger repairs.

Smoke from a grill that is just right, well that's alright.
82-T/A [At Work] FEB 23, 07:56 AM

Originally posted by Stingray92:
Smoke from a grill that is just right, well that's alright.

Haha... I remember seeing a picture of someone BBQ'ing on the grill of a 1984 Fiero decklid vent.
theogre FEB 23, 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Stingray92:
Black smoke = not enough O2 likely fixable
Blue smoke = oil - fixable
White/Grey @ start/cold ok if persistent 30 minutes + start looking at coolant levels.
Heavy white smoke - fixable but! sounds like what others have already said, catch it early & fix it early. Check the oil, if it's not normal color/odor you're probably going to be looking at bigger repairs.

pretty much...

Starting white/gray for condensates should stop < ~ 10-15 minutes unless very cold outside because Fiero has a very short exhaust.

Black smoke is often something w/ fuel like leaking injector(s) but other things can make run rich even to smoke.

Blue smoke is often High $ repair like bad rings, valves, etc. allowing oil to burn. This can cause cat & O2 problems too.

smoke often won't set"codes" or set "code" only driving @ random time.