Nose fascia attachment... (Page 1/1)
CSM842M4 MAR 07, 12:57 PM
So, the background is this - neither of the two factory offerings as far as a nose treatment on the Fieros are blowing up my pants legs. Ferrari, however, did a PERFECT job on the front of the 288 GTO (as well as the rest of the car!), and I would very much like to try and pay tribute to the design with my '86 GT.
Which leads to the root of this post: does anyone have any pictures of their build with the front fascia removed but with the upper mounting brackets for the fascia still attached? The drawings in my aftermarket manual are far less informative than a photograph would be as far as helping figure out whether I need to find a set of these brackets or would be able to fabricate my own. Any/all contributions are, as always, greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance - Chris
Mickey_Moose MAR 07, 01:42 PM
There is only the 1 bracket along the top of the front fascia.

I don't have an actual picture, but it is #36 in this picture from the parts manual:

This is not something that can be easily duplicated, but the mounting points could be used that it attaches too for custom brackets.

Have you seen this thread?

Also, all the manuals can be found here:

[This message has been edited by Mickey_Moose (edited 03-07-2024).]

CSM842M4 MAR 07, 03:00 PM
Thanks, Mickey_Moose. The picture you uploaded looks very similar to the one in my Chilton's manual. Not a lot of detail in either one, but a little more in yours. On a whim, I went to the Construction Zone, and the first thread to appear was dobie1's 288GTO build! Suddenly I admire him and hate him a little at the same time. His tenacity has yielded a great looking project. But still, at least in the pages I looked at, nothing of the factory bracket. I hate to think that I'm not going to get a look at what I'm dealing with until I pull the fascia. Nor do I want to pull one of our other Fiero's apart to fab the new front for mine. Ugh. Good thing I'm not rushed...
fieroguru MAR 07, 07:13 PM
Search ebay for "Fiero Front Bumper Support". There are 4 current auctions with pictures of the top support bracket.

CSM842M4 MAR 07, 07:55 PM
Thanks, 'guru. Took a gander at 2 or 3 of those. Looks like it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. The only other challenge I can see is attaching the new nose at the belt line, but I may have an answer to that too. Darn that dobie1, his build thread just re-kindled a fire in my driveway!
CSM842M4 MAR 08, 05:30 PM
Well, closer examination reveals that there's a lot more room to make things work than I had originally thought. While it's not going to be a cakewalk by any means (I'm certain I lack the skill and patience that dobie1 possesses), I think I can SWAG this out. Still need to drop the fascia to science it all out, but it was going to come off anyway. Stay tuned for a build thread... Chris